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Harry stood in the living room waiting for Ginny to come.She had refused to show him the dress she bought and he was dead curious to see it.

He turned as she saw her come down.Harry's jaw dropped as he stared at her.God,she swallowed as his brain was immediately filled with images of what that dress made him want to do with her.That dress,though,mainly had to stay on the ground.

He took a deep breath as she came down and stood in front of him.He thought of other men seeing her like this and instinctively,his jaw clenched,his hands rolled into fists and his eyes filled with possession. He said

"You aren't wearing that"

Ginny raised an eyebrow and said


"B-Because other men will see you looking like that"

"Like what?"


"Like what?"

"Sexy...looking sexy and desirable"he said,his eyes roaming around her body with need and lust visible in his eyes.

Ginny scoffed

"So let them....I am yours"she said,simply and placed her hand on the crook of his elbow

Before Harry could protest,the doors of the house opened and people started coming in.Harry almost growled when men eyed Ginny on their way in.

Then,Rose and the others of the Potter family came in.Rose went to Ginny and whispered something in her ear and she nodded and they both giggled.

"Oh look Harry,there's Gavin"Ginny said,smirking at Rose,who blushed.

She had confined in Ginny that she had a tiny crush on Gavin.She didn't know that Gavin too liked her.He made his way to them,while staring at Rose.

"You look beautiful"he commented and Rose was about to say something when Ginny interwined

"Why,thank you,bro"

He glared at her and she smirked.Lily and James shared their greetings with Gavin before going to talk to some guests.

Rose was continously blushing and Gavin kept glaring at Ginny,who kept smirking

"Anyway,so may I have a dance?"he asked Rose and Ginny placed her hand in his and said

"Of course"She dragged him to dance and he huffed

Rose laughed and Harry gave her a look which said 'We have to talk about Gavin'

Rose shrugged and Harry asked her for a dance.

"You look beautiful,Rose"

"Thank you,Harry"

They saw Gavin and Ginny talking more like arguing playfully.

"You still do that don't you?"

"Do what,big bro?"she asked,innocently and he glared at her.Usually,this glare made people shudder but not his sister,she was very well-aquaintant with it and frankly,didn't give a damn about his glares

"Ruining my chances with every girl"he said and she smiled

"That is my ruin every chance of you dating"

"You know,I still have that video of you dancing in the kitchen when you were 12"he said and her expression completely changed.Her eyes widened and her mouth was wide-open

"You promised that you'd delete it"she said and he snorted

"When,exactly,have I ever kept a promise made to you?"

She sighed and glared at him.He smirked and led her to the bar.She ordered a cocktail and he ordered whiskey.They were joined by Rose and Harry.Rose turned and saw a handsome man approaching them,whilst keeping his eyes at Ginny.She turned to Ginny and winked while tilting her head to the right.Ginny followed the direction and saw the man too before smirking at Rose and nodding that she understood.

The man finally reached them and said 

"May I have a dance,mi'lady?"

"Sure"Ginny said before Harry could say anything.

Harry gave her a disbelieving look and stared at them as they went to the dance floor.He turned to the bartender and asked for a vodka on the rocks.

He drank it all in one go making Gavin and Rose's eyebrows shoot up as they staed at each other.Before being stopped they went to dance.

Harry stared at them.Ginny's hands were on his shoulders but his hands,his dirty,dirty hands,were on her exposed back.He could see his fingers tracing her bare back and he glared at them.She turned to him,as if she knew that he was staring at them.Before she could do anything,the man swung her into another dance.She kept staring at him and danced at him,going a little closer.

Harry growled before he felt a tap on his shoulder,he turned and froze

There,out of all the people he expected,was standing the last person he expected to see,Cho Chang.

Harry didn't know what to do so he looked towards Ginny,desperately and,to his relief,she was already making her way to them.She had seen Cho.

She came and stood next to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist,pulling her close. She smiled at Cho,who was staring at his hand on her waist.Cho's eyes snapped to Ginny and she fake-smiled


"Cho.Cho Chang"Ginny interrupted her and she said "Harry's told me a lot about you.It's nice to finally meet you"

"That depends.He's told you good or bad about me?"she asked

Ginny pretended to think about it before saying

"I hardly think there are those two sides to you,are there?"

Cho raised an eyebrow and Harry cleared his throat,trying to stop his laughter.

Ginny smiled "Of course,he's said good about you.There isn't a bad side to you,is there?"she asked,in a challenging tone while staring at Cho, who chuckled nervously.

She had obviously realised that Ginny is not one to be completed with.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and said

"No, of course not"

"What are you doing here,Cho?I didn't send you an invitation"Harry said and Cho swallowed

"Oh no,I am here with a friend.I wanted to meet Gavin Weasley.I wanted to,you know,just show him for my company"Cho said and Harry buried his face in Ginny's hair from behind to muffle his laughter.Ginny just smiled and said

"Well,good luck then.I heard,he is very particular in choosing his deals"she said and Cho  smirked,apparently thinking she finally had some upper-hand.

"Why?Have you ever had a deal with him?Or maybe you were sleeping with him,huh,slut?"

Ginny just smiled and said

"No,actually,he's my brother"she just smiled once more and Harry got down from the chair "I'll make sure to give in a word about you to Gavin....I'd say that it was a pleasure to meet you but I don't lie...Have a nice night"she said and Harry and Ginny made their way to greet a guest

Cho fumed.That girl was Ginny Weasley?The Ginny Weasley?Cho scoffed and ordered herself a drink.Harry was hers.She was stupid to leave Harry.If she hadn't left Harry then she would be the half-owner of Potter Estates and she could ask Harry to help her in paying her debts.Her business was in a lot of loss.If she had got the deal with Ana and Bob then there was some hope left for her. But there was none of that happening now.

She had learned that to win the game you needed to kick off the players.So,to get Harry she had to kick Ginny out.And she knew exactly the person who could help her with that.

Cho smirked and decided.

Harry was hers.No one else's.Hers and only hers.

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