Birthday Surprise

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Ginny shuffled with her dress as she stood in her and Harry's wardrobe.Today was her birthday and,though she protested,Harry was holding a party.After coming back from the honeymoon,Ginny had resigned and was looking for a job.

Harry had told her that she didn't have to find a job but she just couldn't sit at home and be a housewife.That was BORING.

As she stood in the mirror checking her dress,she felt two arms wrap around her waist and familiar lips on her neck.

Harry whispered in her ear


She giggled and turned around in his ars,pressing a kiss on his lips.He was calling her that since the wedding.It was like he wanted everyone to know that she was married to him.

"You look gorgeous"he said and she grinned,fixing his tie.

"You don't look bad yourself"she said and it was true.His black three-piece suit looked sexy on him as it molded on his sexy body,perfectly

"Tell me something I don't know"he said and she laughed. "You are to stay away from all men in that dress"

Ginny raised an eyebrow

"Bossy much?"

"Well I am the CEO of a multi-national yes"he replied and Ginny chuckled.

They made their way to the car and Harry opened the door for her.She sat in and he went to the other side and sat down too.The driver drove them to the hall Harry had booked and they got out.

As soon as they did,cameras started flashing.Harry put his hand on her waist protectively and they posed for the camera once before moving on.The reporters were asking all sorts of questions.From Ginny leaving the job to a possible baby Potter.Harry and Ginny both chuckled at that question.As soon as they entered,Ginny saw a huge banner which said Happy Birthday,Ginny.It was decorated beautifully and she looked this way and that in awe.

"I have a surprise for you"Harry whispered and she looked at him,questioningly

Suddenly,Ginny was barreled in a hug by Gavin and she oofed.

"Jesus,Gavim"she said as Rose hugged her.Rose was here as Gavin's date.They had started dating after Ginny's bouquet had landed in Rose's arms

After an hour of talking to everyone,Ginny cut the cake and Harry and Ginny fed each other the cake.Photos were taken by the reporters.

As everyone started eating,Harry led Ginny to a man,who looked to be in his early-fifties.Harry introduced them 

"Gin,this is Mr.Patrick Lauren,he owns the Lauren Records.Mr.Lauren this is Ginny,my wife"Harry said and Ginny shook hands with Patrick,who smiled at her.

"Mr.Lauren here needs a new voice for his company and he wants you to be that new voice" Harry said and Ginny gave him an astonished look

"Uh...Mr.Lauren I-I really appreciate you considering me but I don't think that I am proffesional singer material....I mean..."

"My dear,Harry sent me a recording of you singing and I see you going far as a pro...I see potential in you and when I see potential in something it is bound to succeed"he said,proudly and Ginny chuckled nervously while looking at Harry.He just nodded encouragingly and she swallowed.

"I-I'll give it a shot"she finally said and Patrick whooped causing him to gain attention.

"That's brilliant,my dear...Brilliant,indeed...hahaha,Glitter Records you are now going to lick the floors"he said,happily as he walked away.Ginny and Harry chuckled

"A little over enthusiastic,isn't he?"She asked and he nodded as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her,passionately

"Happy Birthday,Mrs.Potter....did you like my surprise?"he asked and she nodded,happily.He kissed her,passionately.

She looked around and cleared her throat

"How much more time do we have to stay here?"she asked,her eyes filled with lust

"Oh we could go now"he growled and kissed her neck "Wanna leave?"

"Hell yeah"she said and the left hurriedly.

As soon as they reached their bedroom,Harry pulled Ginny in his arms and kissed her passionately.He slowly unzipped her and watched as the dress fell down and pooled at her feet. He looked her up and down and knelt down in front of her.

He thumbed the edge of her panties and pulled them down.They were soaking and Harry stared as her juices dripped from her pussy.He started kissing his way up her left leg.He looked up at her with a devilish smile and placed his mouth on her clit.

She moaned and sat down on the edge of the bed.Harry continued to suck her as he slid two fingers inside her dripping pussy.She moaned louder and moved her hips against his fingers.

She gasped as an orgasm brought her down.She leaned back on the bed as she tried to control her racing heart and breath.She opened her eyes and saw Harry smirking at her.But in his eyes she could see the need for release.She flipped them over and climbed onto him.His eyes widened at her move.She pulled his shirt off and then went down,unzipping his pants and pulling them down with his boxers.She stared at his cock and just under her gaze it twitched in anticipation.She leaned down and licked it.She smirked as it hardened.In no time at all,it was as hard as steel as she continued her ministraion.

Harry jerked as she brought him down.He gasped as she climbed on top of him.She slid him inside of her and they both moaned.Ginny started riding him as she leaned down to kiss him.

After coming down together,Ginny fell on top of Harry's chest,panting.He wrapped his arms around her and wrapped them up in the duvet and kissed her head before slumber sucked them both in.

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