1. Moving in

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Chapter One

It's a Saturday afternoon as I sit in my college dorm, my life is falling apart. My girlfriend, Cat is in the military and is being deported to London on a special assignment so I guess I'm by myself for awhile. I sat on the end of my bed kicking my feet, scrolling through tumblr. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I jumped to my feet and threw on a hoodie. I opened the door and there stood Mr. Mooney, the dorm manager. Next to him stood a boy who looked about my age, black hair, blue eyes and a plaid flannel. He looked nervous, tapping his foot at a fast pace and looking everywhere but directly at me. I noticed that next to him stood a suitcase and instrument case. I gulped. What was going on? Why was this boy here?

"Mr. Howell, Phil here lives over on the other side of the dormitory, the storm recently flooded his room and he can't live there, he needs a place to stay. Since you are the only other boy in this area who doesn't have a roomate, he'll be staying in your room. Don't worry, it's only for a month or so until her room is fixed. Oh, look at the time! I have an appointment in 5 minutes. Better go. I'll be back soon to check in. In the meantime please try to get along boys. We also need to get some more furniture in there, it'll be here in a few days, for now you can use a sleeping bag or extra mattress from the supply closet. Cheerio!"

He literally just left me with this random guy, great. You know what, this is just how I wanted to spend my saturday morning, giving my room up to some random kid from campus I might of met once in my entire life.I looked over at the doorway where he was still standing,

"You gonna let me in or not mate?"

"Oh, sorry," I replied as I awkwardly gestured for him to come in, noticing I'd been staring into space for quite awhile now. I scooted out of the way so he could drag his suitcase and what seemed to be a guitar or maybe a cello, I'm not sure, into the room. The room was quite small, inside there was only space for a wardrobe, a queen bed a TV, and a microwave I had sat on top of some storage boxes in the corner. I could barely live in here by myself, I couldn't imagine how the two of us were going to cohabitate in this cramped space.

AN: Hey Guys! This is my first story I've ever actually had an ending planned out for. Almost the entire story will be fluff! I'll put trigger warning for anything that's not and I'll try to keep swearing to a minimum. Anyways I'll try and update 2 or 3 times a week and if I don't just message me and remind me because I forget stuff and procrastinate all the time. Enjoy! 

Roommates Dan x Phil College AUWhere stories live. Discover now