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Blaine was fast asleep next to Barry, facing away from his boyfriend, his whole body relaxed and sated. Biting his bottom lip, Barry watched him sleep for a moment before he sighed out his nose. His boyfriend was a wonderful man, but no matter how hard he tried, Barry couldn't let himself fall completely. He had feelings for Blaine, he'd never deny that, but there seemed to be something holding him back. Barry had a sinking suspicion it was because of Oliver, but he was too angry with the older man to do anything other than send sort text replies.

Sitting up, Barry let the blankets fall off of him. Shoving them off of him, he quickly pulled on a pair of boxers and sweatpants, before making his way into the kitchen. The light over the sink was on, illuminating the kitchen enough for Barry to get a glass of water. Iris was spending the night at Eddie's, and Joe had worked late, giving Barry the house to himself for awhile. Which is why he had invited Blaine over, only he was left with a twisted feeling in his gut.

"Bear? What are you doing up?" Joe asked, walking into the kitchen as he undid the knot in his tie.

"Are you just now getting home?" Barry asked, avoiding the question. "Isn't that late, even for you?"

"Don't worry about me," Joe dismissed, taking both his tie and coat off, eyes never leaving Barry. "Now, you want to explain to me why you're awake? You have an early morning class, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." Barry sighed softly. "My heart and head are battling with one another right now. My heart wants one thing, but my head keeps telling me it'll never happen, and I should focus on what I have, rather than what I want. That way people don't get hurt."

"Care to elaborate?"

Barry took a drink of water, eyes on the wall. Finally, he took a deep breath before speaking. "I have feelings for Oliver," he admitted quietly. "But I also have feelings for Blaine, obviously. And Oliver is with Felicity, so there's that. And my heart is telling me to go after Oliver, but my heart keeps reminding me that there's Blaine and Felicity to consider. Plus, I'm also upset with Oliver. He...he, like, hates Blaine for whatever reason."

Joe was silent, taking in Barry's words. He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Bear, why must you make everything so complicated for yourself?" he asked, only slightly joking. "Sounds to me like Oliver's got something personal against Blaine. What exactly, I can't be certain. But...don't hurt Blaine, Barry. Anybody can tell how much that boy loves you."

"I know," Barry whispered, biting his bottom lip roughly. "I love him too, know what? I'm sure my attraction to Oliver will pass. I need to stop lingering on it. It's not healthy for me."

"You know what else isn't healthy for you? Not sleeping. So get to bed." Joe stood up, giving Barry a brief hug and a kiss to the temple.

"Rich coming from you," Barry muttered, but went up to his room anyway.

The following morning, Barry decided to surprise Blaine and take him out to breakfast, skipping his morning class to spend the morning with his boyfriend. Blaine had protested at first, of course, but soon was quieted as Barry acted more affectionate than he usually did. Blaine ate it up, and Barry felt his heart race happily in his chest whenever he saw the beautiful smile grace the shorter man.

"I love you," Barry murmured, kissing Blaine sweetly as they stood on the college's campus. Blaine had a class soon, but Barry wasn't willing to let go quite yet.

"I love you, too," Blaine replied, blushing a little. "What changed this morning? Usually you''re sweet, but this morning, I thought I'd get a cavity."

"Can't I spoil my boyfriend?" Barry pouted a little, laughing when Blaine just gave him a look. "Okay, okay. I had a moment of realisation last night. I haven't exactly been the most...attentive boyfriend towards you, and I'm sorry for that. My mind was somewhere else for awhile, but I realised it wasn't worth it. But you are worth it, Blaine, and I'm determined to prove it to you."

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