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If Barry was being honest with himself, helping the planning of Felicity and Oliver's wedding was pure torture.

Now that Barry was single again, he didn't have to worry about hurting anybody because of his feelings for Oliver, and they quickly grew out of control. Every moment they spent alone together was like heaven for Barry. Having Oliver's sole attention on him was everything to the brunet. And, Barry wasn't sure if it was just his hopeful thinking, or if it was reality, but Barry was almost certain that the looks Oliver gave him was reflecting the same emotions back. In fact, more often than not, it seemed to be Oliver that was always asking to hang out with Barry when there was free time.

Sitting under the summer sun, Barry laid on the blanket, soaking up the warm rays, as he laid on the beach. He could hear the girls screaming playfully from where they were playing in the water with the guys, bringing a smile to his face.

"You know, you could lay out all summer and I'd doubt you'd get any less pale."

Cracking an eye open, Barry saw Oliver standing above him hands on his hips and a grin on his face. Water drops were sliding down over various parts of his body, leaving Barry a bit dry in the mouth, before shaking away the daze and licking his lips. "I'm aware, but it's still worth trying," he said with a replying grin. "What are you doing out of the water?"

"Trying to recruit you. Iris keeps mocking you and saying you're afraid of water." Oliver sat down next to Barry on the blanket, watching as the younger man sat up to talk to Oliver. "Why aren't you getting in the water?"

"Girls aren't the only ones who like laying out in the sun," Barry replied, huffing weakly before dissolving into giggles. "I always lay out on the sand when the group comes to the beach."

"Trying to get some color?"

"I'm way too pale to be considered normal," Barry agreed. "You can go back in the water, if you want. I'm used to being up on the beach by myself, it doesn't bother me."

"I know, but I can still keep you company. Is that a crime?" Oliver smiled at Barry, bringing a blush to the latter's cheeks.

"No, it's not," Barry replied. He glanced out at the water, noticing the others starting to come up. More than likely to grab a quick bite or drink of water. They had been at the beach for a good two hours already. Barry was quick to hand Felicity her glasses, resulting in a bright grin from the blonde.

"We should've invited Kara and Mike," Caitlin announced as they all crowded on the two beach blankets they brought. "I know Kara would love getting some sun since she's been stuck at work more lately since summer hit."

"Mike's allergic to beach water," Iris joked. "I doubt he'd want to go swimming anywhere that wasn't his family's pool."

"Plus, I think Kara's working today," Barry spoke up. "She's been given a lot more shifts since the summer rush hit."

"Poor Kara. I bet she's loving the extra money, though," Felicity said, taking a drink from her water bottle. "Jitters has been slow since it started getting too hot to drink coffee. It makes it nice to enjoy the nice weather, however."

"Yeah, but now we don't make the money we do during winter." Barry pouted. "The one downside to slow seasons."

"I was thinking about picking up a summer job," Felicity said suddenly. "I know my parents said they'd help pay for the wedding, but I want to help, still. Or, even if they do end protesting, it's extra money for school."

"It's a good idea," Barry said, but his heart was in his throat when the wedding was brought up. "Were you thinking of cutting back on classes at all to help save for the wedding? As long as you're still part-time, you should be fine."

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