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[this is really bad, lol whoops]

It wouldn't be until July when things would fully cool down for Barry.

His arm had completely rebroke thanks to Eobard, and he only had a few more weeks left to wear the cast on his arm. But for the most part, he could still use it. It was an inconvenience more than anything, but he had learned to deal with it.

"Can you believe it's been a year since you were engaged to Felicity?" Barry asked, running his non-casted hand through the hot sand, letting it slip between his fingers.

"Doesn't really feel like it, to be honest," Oliver replied, pulling Barry closer to him.

Humming softly, Barry relaxed into the man's arms, sighing softly as he laid with Oliver on the beach. It was just the two of them. They had wanted to invite the others, but after a quick decision, they decided to use it as an excuse to spend more time together. Ever since his birthday when he almost died, Barry and Oliver had spent as much time with each other as they could.

"How's your dad's apartment searching going?" Oliver asked, running a hand through Barry's brown locks.

"Better. He's trying to find a place close to where the hospital he's working at, but hasn't had too much luck." Barry laid his head on Oliver's shoulder.

The court process had taken the longest out of everything. CCPD had enough evidence to prove it had been Eobard all along. The man had a lengthy list of crimes to his name, and if they did enough digging, it didn't seem to stop after he was legally declared dead. Captain Singh predicted he was just practicing for when he killed Barry, but with the man dead, it was hard to tell for sure. Henry had been released from prison, and with the charges being dropped, he was allowed to attempt at getting his medical license back. As it was, he worked part-time at the hospital as a night time janitor.

At first, Barry had protested, and said he could help Henry get a job at Jitters, but the older man seemed content being in the hospital, despite whatever position he was holding. He was just happy to be in there.

After Henry was released, he decided to live with the Wests until he was up on his feet again. Sometime during early-May, Iris had moved in with Eddie, and Henry stayed in her old room. He liked making jokes that the scent of perfume was stuck in the mattress, but he was content with no longer being in a prison cell to really complain.

"Joe still doesn't like the thought of Iris living with Eddie, but he's had the time to get used to seeing Eddie around, seeing as they've been together for so long."

"What about you?" Oliver asked suddenly, taking Barry a bit by surprise. "Any plans of moving out soon?"

"Maybe. I have one more year left. The reason I went into this field is no more, but it still interests me enough to where I'm not upset by it." Barry sat and looked at Oliver, his eyebrows furrowed. "Why do you ask?"

"Well...my apartment is pretty big for one person. And I get fairly lonely..."

"Oliver Queen, are you asking me to move in with you?" Barry asked, disbelief and surprise coloring his tone. "Are you sure it's not too soon?"

"Of course not." Oliver kissed Barry sweetly. "Barry, I've had feelings for you for longer than we've been dating. Now that we're together...it's been some of the best months of my life. I want to continue them with you. This isn't a proposal," he added, seeing the slightly panicked look cross Barry's features. "I just...I want to spend more time with you. Plus, I might have been talking to both Joe and Henry about you. They think you moving in with me may be good for you."

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