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Planning a party was something Barry didn't expect to be as difficult as it was. Hell, it was something he never expected he'd do while attending college. Nevertheless, he and Caitlin sat down to plan a party.

"This is just a get together with friends," Caitlin said sternly. The thought of going to a party freaked her out a bit. "Like we usually do. Only...there's alcohol."

Quirking an eyebrow, Barry chuckled at the med student's expression. "Cait, relax. It's not going to be a big college party like the frat houses throw. All of our friends will be there, plus some extras, like Blaine's friends. Nothing big."

"Right. I know that." Caitlin gave him a small smile before letting out a shaky breath. "Right, so. Oliver and Felicity are getting the alcohol?"

"Yeah. They're getting a variety of things so if you don't want to get too drunk, you have options. Plus, they're getting juice." Barry smirked. "Don't worry, we'll all be tipsy enough to not notice that you're a lightweight."

"I'm not a lightweight," Caitlin muttered under her breath, cheeks flushing. "We're having this at your place, right? You said Joe was going out of town?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not, but Iris and I will have the house to ourselves this weekend," Barry answered. "Iris is on board with getting the house ready, so we'll probably spend all of Friday evening cleaning for Saturday." He made a face. "The last time we did an all house cleaning, I smelled like Clorox for a week."

Caitlin snickered. "It's not a bad thing. At least we know your house is clean."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Barry asked with a laugh. "Despite Joe working a lot, Blaine and I keep our sex in the bedroom."

"Oh, please. I don't believe that for one second. Even Ronnie and I have had sex on the couch," Caitlin said with a roll of her eyes. She snickered again at the wide eyed look on Barry's face.

"Caity, you fox! No, but seriously. Blaine and I only have sex in my bed or his." Barry took a sip from his water bottle before making a face. "This isn't a conversation I thought I'd ever have with you. No offense to you, though."

"None taken, I can understand." She then bit her bottom lip in thought. "I'm guessing your sex life is a bit...vanilla?"

"Yes, it's boring." Barry scrunched his nose. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. It's just what I like. And I do love Blaine, I really do, but every time I try bringing it up, there's always some excuse."

"Is...Barry, do you really love Blaine? No offense, but nowadays, you always find these small things to complain about him. It isn't healthy."

"Of course I do. He's...he's amazing, and beautiful, and kind soul." Barry took a shaky breath. "I don't mean to complain all the time, I'm sorry."

"I don't have problem being your therapist," Caitlin teased lightly. "It's healthy to vent. You of all people should know I constantly complain about Ronnie's gross habits."

Barry snorted. "I think I know too much about the smell of Ronnie's shoes after he goes for a run." He was then quiet for a moment. "Blaine and I need to sit down and have a talk one of these days. Have a long talk. Honestly, I know he's still talking to his ex, and I don't have any problems with that whatsoever, but...they were going to get married. Even if it's been ages, it's still something that sits in the back of my mind."

Shrugging and taking a sip from her own water bottle, Caitlin just watched Barry a moment. "I think you guys talking would help a lot. You need it, honestly."

Barry twirled his water bottle in his hands a moment before rubbing the back of his neck. "I have a class at three, but we should both be free sometime after that. I should ask him out to dinner, and we could talk then."

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