Will You Keep Our Promises?

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This story is COPYRIGHTED. Originally made by me. Please do not copy or publish this story without my permission. I'm working hard for this. Thank you.

Chapter 1:

- Flashback -

"So, you will move to UK and leave me, uh?" I said, put my head down, sighed heavily. I don't know this would happen to me. It's really hard for me to knowing my lovely buddy, Niall James Horan will move to UK and leave me alone here, in New York.

"Ugh, it's not like that.." he said, put his arms around me, tears came down through my cheek and fall off to his grey hoodie. He hugged me tighter than before. 

"Are you going to forget me when you become a superstar?" I said, pulled away from him so I can see his face, I wiped my tears.

"Of course not.. you'll be my princess forever. Even if I became a superstar.. I'll always keep you in my mind." He gave his bright smile, I'm trying to give a smile to him too, but I'm too weak to do that and ended up crying. He pulled me into his arms again. 

"Please don't cry, I'll always here for you, when I became a superstar, I will take you to UK so you can live with me!" He said, trying to calm me down. Sounds so excited. I wiped my tears for the second time.

"I bet you were forget me, so you can't take me to UK with you.." I said, put my head down.

"Ugh, don't ever said that again. I promise you! I will NEVER forget you, I promise!" I looked up to his face,

"..And you must remember me too. It's unfair if I have to remember you but you don't." I hit his arm playfully and laughing. 

"Of course I will not. How can I forget my silly-best-friend ever, huh?" he rolled his eyes. "I promise!" I said, he smiled. Then we do a 'pinky swore'. And that was the last day I'm talking and laughing with Niall since 10 years ago.

- End of Flashback -

I open my eyes and checked up my alarm clock. 7 AM. Ah, I must be arrived at the airport at 9 AM. I'm going to UK today! I'm so excited, I will live with my lovely aunt Marry. She's just such a cool woman. I'm going to take a bath and eat my pizza leftover.

I just arrived at the airport. Waiting in the waiting room, put my earphones on, and shuffle my iPod. Listening to the music until I heard an information that said my plane will going to take-off about 20 minutes so I must go in to the plane.


Hmm.. UK, I'm finally here! Actually, I don't know where Niall is, but he is a superstar now. Who doesn't know him and his band? I'm not telling him I'm going to UK. I doesn't even have his contact. He doesn't follow me back on Twitter. How can I tell him? Maybe he's already forget me.. I mean, this has been 10 years since the last day we met and do a pinky swore. I stopped a taxi and going to my aunt house.

"Emma Swarowvs! Finnally you are here, I'm waiting for you darl!" my aunt hugged me tightly as I open her house' door. I hugged her back. I'm close with my aunt and it has been 1 year I don't meet her. I miss her so much. I can feel her tears came down through my shirt.

"You don't need to cry aunt Marry, I miss you too!" I said to cheers her up. She wiped her tears and smiled at me,

"Want some ginger bread?" she asked. I smile brightly. She did know me so well.

"Ah, you know me so well. Of course I want, that's my favorite food!" I said. She smiled at me and bring me to the dining room. She lived here alone. She haven't married yet on her 40 year old age. She said I just like her daughter. She really taking care of me. That's why I got a permission from my mother to live in UK. 

The ginger bread tasted good. My aunt good at cooking. She opened a bakery shop in UK and her shop is one of the most visited  bakery shop in UK. After eating my ginger bread, my aunt bring me to my room. The color of the wall was light purple. There's a king sized bed, a white desk with a computer on the top of it, white vintage closet, one little white sofa and a coffee table.

"This is such a lovely room!" I said as I enter my new room. I put my suitcase in front of the bed and started walking around my room. I opened the window and take a breath. I love this kind of things.

"I know you will love this room. Your mom told me your favorite color is purple now. I thought it's still blue.."  aunt Marry walk closer to me.

"Did you called my mom just to know my favorite color?haha you don't need to, I still likes blue too. By the way, thank you so much aunt Marry." 

"Anytime dear.. oh, I will leave you alone here. You should take a rest. You must be jetlagged right?" 

"Uhuh, a little bit.. And, what should I do for you?maybe helping you at your store, or anything else?" I said. I don't want to be parasite for her. I should go for work in UK too, not just holiday.

"Oh, you don't have to darling! But you can help me at my shop tomorrow morning at 10 AM.. that's just if you want to, remember that. Okay, I'm leaving now, You should take a rest." and she leave me in my new room. I laid my body in my king sized bed and closed my eyes.


Will You Keep Our Promises?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon