Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

"What's up, aunt?" I asked to aunt Marry.

"Niall is here!" She said excitedly. What the hell. I gasped in middle of the stair. I'm on my way going back to my room until Niall called my name. I turned around.

"What else?" I said coldly.

"I want to explain something."

"Explain what? about that girl? I already know." I said and continue walking to my room.

"No you don't. She is.. she is my friend. "

"Oh, really? hmm.. let me thinking." I put my finger on my chin, pretending to thinking. "She just kissed you on the lips in front of ME. And you said she's just your FRIEND. How cool. She must be your girlfriend.. Or your crush at least." I said to him. My phone ringing. That's from Jo. Good, I could make Niall feel jealously. I made a bright fake smile.


"Hi Jo! What's up?" Niall looks confused. I smirk.

"Hello. Done talking with your aunt? You've told her I said 'hi' right?"

"Oh I forgot. I will tell aunt Marry later. By the way, I miss you so badly. Come on go hanging out. I will hug you tightly when we meet!" I said excitedly. I bet Niall is upset.

"How 'bout if we do some shopping today?"

"Great! today at 12?"

"Okay, how 'bout meet at Starbucks?"

"Sounds good. I can't wait. See you babe!" I said. That's normal. I usually calls Jo 'babe'. I mean, he is my gay friend.


"Who is Jo?" Niall finally asked after I'm hanging up my phone. I rolled my eyes.

"None of your business, Niall James Horan." 

"You're my girlfriend, so this is my business too! Are you cheating on me?"

"Cheating on you? I'm the one who must asked, Are you cheating on ME?" I said and left him. I slam the door. I hope aunt Marry will not mad at me because this is the second time I'm slamming the door.


"Hey Jo, where are you? I already arrived at the Starbucks.." I said via telephone.

"Table number 2."

"Oh, I see. I'm hanging up." 

I poke Jo's shoulder. He turned around and stood up. We are in silence for a second until we both screaming like a fools while hugging each other. He put me down after spinning me to the air. Oh gosh, lots of peoples were watching us. We both laughed.



"Leggo shopping! Spend all your money today, cause you'll shopping with Jo Barbara!" He said excitedly. I burst out laughing. He always called himself as 'Jo Barbara' when his real name are 'Jo Grabovsky'.

"Victoria's Secret?" I asked.

"Sounds gewd. Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and we're going to the Victoria's Secret. Wohoo! Shopping time! 

As we arrived at the Victoria's Secret, I saw.. That girl. That bitch who stole Niall from me. I mean.. the girl who kissed Niall on the lips last night. I'm looking at her. And a guy come to her. He is Niall. Oh my god, Niall is here. I mean, Niall is in the Victoria's Secret! If I took a picture of Niall and that girl, and share that on the internet, that would be a big issue. The photo will be on the cover of magazines with "Niall Horan is in the Victoria Secret!" as the tittle. Niall turned around. Shit. I turned away. I hope he doesn't saw me.


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