Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I throw my phone into my bed. I can't help but smiling. I'm a little bit excited to meet Niall. I mean, I'm really excited..


"Emma, I'm going to buy some groceries. There's some pizza leftover on the fridge if you want to eat. You just need to heat it up if you want to eat that. Bye!" aunt Marry yelled from downstair.

"Okay, okay.." I said, "But, aunt Marry, I will go hanging out with my friend at 2PM. Are you already in home that time?" I asked her,

"You have a friend in London? which friend? did you mean Niall?" how did she know? 

"No.. and yes, I have friend in London. She's my best friend." I lied. I'm sorry aunt Marry, but I can't tell you the truth. I gave her my best-fake-smile.

"Okay then. You can bring the key with you. I have another key. Good bye! see you later." She said, then go with her car.


I'm in the Starbucks now. Niall hasn't coming yet. I ordered Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and sitting, waiting for Niall.

It's 2.30 PM and Niall hasn't coming yet. If Niall hasn't coming yet at 3 PM, I'll leave. I texted him,

"Where are you? I'm wating. If you haven't coming yet at 3, I'll leave. Your choice." 

10 minutes later I received a message from Niall. He said,

"Hello :) Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm recording for One Direction's new album. Be there in 5 minutes babe! x."

I rolled my eyes. Playing with my phone. I'm on boredom, until someone poke my shoulder. I turned around to see who's poking me. Stood a guy who's wearing black shirt, sunglasses, red hat, and fake mustache. I asked Niall to sit. No one started the conversation until Niall said,

"I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"For being late and doesn't remember you." He put his head down. I sighed.

"No problem."

"But you mad at me yesterday.. I think that's a problem."

"I don't mind. Just forget it." I said and gave him a smile. He smiled back.

"Thanks." He said. Silence came back to us.

"So, how's life? tell me more about you... and your family, maybe?" I said, started the conversation.

"Pretty well! Uhm.. I'm famous now and many girls want to be my girlfriend.." he said, put his finger on his chin. I burst out laughing.

"And how 'bout your family?" I asked again.

"They miss you!" he said excitedly.

"Aww, really? tell them 'I miss you too!' " 

"Aye aye, captain." He said. We both laugh. 

"How 'bout you, Em?" He asked me,

"Good.. did you have a girlfriend? or maybe you had a crush on someone?" 

"Uhm.. yeah I had a crush on.." He said. His face turns red.

"Who? tell me! I'm your best friend, uh?" I said cheekily. 

"I'll tell you someday.. Ey, want to meet again? maybe tomorrow or someday? How long you'll live in London?" He asked.

"Sure! I'm free. You can hang out with me whenever you want. I came here for summer holiday, but maybe I'll working at my aunt's bakery shop. Hmm.. 2 months or so." I answered.

"Great! What we'll gonna do today? I'm hungry by the way.." 

"Me too.." We both sighed.

"Want to eat at Nando's?" He said with a bright smile. 

"Sounds good. I'm with you! ahaha." we both laugh. And we go to Nando's. I'm very excited. Finally, I can hear his laugh, and I can see his smile again, and I can go luch with him again.


After doing some funny things, finally, Niall drove me home. I get out of his car. He opened the window. I smiled at him.

"Thanks for today, dude! I'm very excited. We should do this kind of things again!" He laughed,

"Yeah, we should! I will pick you up tomorrow at 7 PM. We will do a dinner, wohoo!" I laughed and smiled at him.

"Good bye!" He said, then drove his car away from me. I sighed and go in to the house.


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