Piko's tail

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Fukase: Hey Piko. What can you do with your tail?

Piko: Hook it up to computers

Oliver: That's it?

Piko: No

Flower: what else?


Flower: Ok?

Piko: Well I can charge it up and shock people and I can grab people with it

Len: If you shock someone it'll hurt worse because you have twice the electricity

Piko: Yep

Fukase: Oooh ooh!

Piko: Yes?

Fukase: can you grab me a coke from the fridge?

Piko: *Uses tail and gets out coke

Fukase: Thanks!

Oliver: Shock Len!

Piko: *Evil smirk*

Len: *Runs* WHY ME! Its because you're all jealous

Piko: *Chases* Who'd be jealous of a banana boy?

Len: *Cry face*

Oliver: *Recording*

Fukase: So are you two like best friends now? *Pointing to Oliver and Flower*

Oliver: I claim her as my sister

Fukase: That's my best friend

Flower: I can be both.

Fukase: *Death glares Oliver*

Oliver: *Death glares Fukase*

Flower: *Facepalm*

Oliver and Fukase: THIS IS WAR!

Piko and Len: *Still running around the house like headless chickens*

Flower: *Wishing death*

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