Fear factor

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Piko: *Behind Fukase* BOO!

Fukase: Nice try Piko.

Piko: Gosh dang it.

Fukase: Did you really think you were going to scare me?

Piko: Well....yea.

Fukase: *sigh*

Piko: Well what are you afraid of?

Fukase: Your mom.

Piko: ............

Fukase: Ok, ok. I am afraid of ghosts.

Piko: Really?!

Fukase: Yes really. what are you afraid of?

Piko: Ummm hmm. Heights

Fukase: Wow.

Oliver: ooooo what are we talking about?

Piko: Fears.

Oliver: Oh.

Fukase: What are you afraid of Oliver?

Oliver: Snakes.

Len: What about snakes?

Fukase: Ugh. Does everyone have to bud in?

Piko: We are talking about fears. What are you afraid of Len?

Len: The great Len isn't afraid of anyt-

Oliver: He is afraid of Spiders.

Len: ....... You are no fun. I hope you know that.

Oliver: *smiles*

Fukase: Where is Flower?

Piko: I think she is at her concert. People say she is getting a v5 update.

Flower: *Runs in and slams the door behind her and blocks it*

Oliver: What happened.

Flower: *out of breathe* To....many...fangirls

Len: They are here for me

Flower: Tell them that!

Piko: So you're afraid of fangirls?

Flower: No. I am afraid of being beat up by their jealous boyfriends!

Piko: Ok?

Fukase: WE all have our fears and... Did you say boys are trying to beat you up?

Flower: Yea. That's why I am blocking the door. They are out side right now!

All the boys: *Turn Yandere.* No one touches our Flower.

Flower: ??!!

All boys: *Beat up and chase away all boys*

Flower: ....... My heros.


So what are you afraid of?

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