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Fukase: *Looking threw his phone*

Oliver: *Cuddling Flower*

Flower: *Playing on her phone*

Piko: *Laying on the couch*

Len: *Sitting on top of Piko's back*

Fukase: Why do I always get paired up with Oliver in stupid fan art?

Piko: You guys are roughly around the same age

Len: And your mean and his is sweet

Flower: your left eyes are both messed up

Fukase: ... Shut up...

Len: You think that is bad? Try getting paired up with Miku and Rin. Ew

Fukase: We all do see? *Shows a pic of each one getting pair with Rin and Miku.

Flower: *Wants to puke*

Fukase: Dumb Dipships

Len: Yea I am getting tired of being paired up with dumb girls

Flower: I ship you with Gumi

Len:  *Blushes*

Piko: AWww you made the banana blush

Len: Shut up besides I ship Flower with Piko

Piko: Ewwwww

Flower: Whats wrong with me?

Piko: Everything

Flower: *Mentally hurt* ......

Oliver: I ship Flower with Fukase

Fukase: ....


Random person outside: I SHIP FLOWER AND OLIVER! Its called OliFlower instead of cauliflower

Flower and Oliver: ??

Len: Flower doesn't have a whole lot of ships with guys, its mostly girls

Flower: Its because I look like a guy

Oliver: And you're more manly than us too


Hey guys who do you ship v4 flower with?

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