Fukase's question.

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Fukase: Aaah no. She hates me remember?

Lui: Why?

Fukase: Don't worry about it.

Lui: Ok.

Five minutes later.

Lui: *Whispers to Piko* Why?

Piko: Why what?

Lui: *Whispers* Why does the plant hate the meme?

Piko: *Sigh* Has Fukase not told his pet?

Lui: No- HEY!

Piko: *Laughs* Sorry! The fans love it.

Lui: *Pouts*

Piko: Flower hates Fukase because-

Fukase: *Covers Piko's mouth* DONT FINISH THAT SENTENCE!

Piko: *Death glare Fukase*

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