Meeting cat.

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Flower: *Tiptoes in the house with a girl behind her*

Fukase: Flloooooooooooooooooowerrrr?

Flower: *Nervous laugh* Fukaseeeeeee?

Fukase: Who is that?

Len: Look what the cat dragged in.

Flower: No the plant dragged in the cat.

Len: Huh?


Girl: My name is cat.

Flower: I saved this child from humans.

Oliver: What is going on?

Cat: I am a sails girl. Flower saved me from work.

Flower: Yep.

James: FLOWER WE ARE OUT OF CERIAL AND- who is that?

Cat: I am cat.

James: CAT?!?!?! *Turns into a bird* Nope!

Oliver: She isn't a real cat! .........Right?

Cat: I am pretty sure I am a human girl.

Oliver: I knew that.

Len: Riiight.

Fukase: Welp! Since I am the leader of this gang, let me introduce you to everyone cat. I am the great and powerful memelord, Fukase.

Len: He is also an idiot and hothead.

Fukase: The talking banana is Len.

Len: You mean the smexiest blonde boy around.

Cat: Meh. Youre ok.

Len: *Heartbreak face*

Oliver: *giggles*

Fukase: The sailor child is Oliver.

Oliver: HI!

Cat: Aww.

Fukase: The girl in the dress and heels is Piko

Piko: I AM A BOY!

Fukase: Riiiiiiiiight. Keep telling yourself that.

Cat: Lol.

Fukase: The bird human thing...Is James.

Cat: Cewl.

Fukase: And the purple plant that stole you is Flower.

Cat: And I am Cat.


Len: Its heaven since I am here.

Oliver: It is? I felt like we were in a jungle since we have a banana eating ape here

Len: *Currently peeling a banana* Huh?

Cat: pffft!

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