Ultimate universe.

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Fukase's genderbend = Fukisa.

Oliver's genderbend = Olivia.

Piko's genderbend = Pika  ???

Flower's genderbend = Bud ????

Len's genderbend = Lenka (not in the pic sadly)

Fukisa: Hey Pika! Have you seen the new meme?

Pika: I don't care for memes.

Fukisa: Kill joy.

Pika: What do you mean? I am the joy!

Fukisa: HEY BUD!

Bud: I am busy taking care of Olivia.

Fukisa: *sigh* He is going to be a good husband someday.

Pika: Yea but maybe not yours.

Fukisa: Well see about that.

Olivia: What are you girls talking about?

Fukisa: NOTHING!

Pika: Boys.

Bud: What about us?

Fukisa: N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

Bud: Okay???

Lenka: Fukisa wants to get married soon.

Bud: You are to young dork.

Fukisa: *sighs happily*

Lenka: WAKE UP!

Fukisa: Don't shout at the mommy of this group.

Olivia: Bud is the mommy of this group. *Hold's his hand*

Fukisa: Weeelll If he wants to be.

Bud: Uhhhhh. Pika help?

Pika: You're on your own.

Olivia: You take care of me like a mom.

Bud: Uhhhhhhhh. I do?

Olivia: *Smiles*

Lenka: Why are we still on this? Where are my bananas?

Pika: Lenka. You are a girl... You don't have bananas.

Lenka: *Turns red* NOT THAT KIND!!!!!.

Fukisa: Yea the only one who has that kind of bananas is Bud.

Bud: *covers Olivia's ears* FUKISAAAA!!!

Fukisa: Opps hehe.

Lenka: Where is my car???

Pika: I think Mikou and Rinto took it.

Lenka: *Runs out the front door*

Olivia: Bud. When are Yuzoko Yukaro and Mayo coming back?


Bud: When I need them too.

Olivia: Ohh.... can you brush my hair?

Bud: Go get the brush

Fukisa: Yeah can you brush my hair too???

Bud: ....... after Olivia.

Olivia: Comes back with a brush and sits in Bud's lap*

Bud: *Brushes her hair*

After hair is brushed-

Fukisa: Sooo do I get to sit in your lap too?

Bud: You are really pushy aren't you?

Fukisa: *Smiles and nods*

Bud: *sighs* If you want.

Fukisa: *Sits in his lap and gets her hair brushed*

Pika: *walks in* What kind of romance have I walked into?

Bud: No Romance!

Pika: Uh huh. After Fukisa I want my hair brushed too. *walks away*

Bud: Ok???

Lenka: ME too!!1

Bud: *sighs*

Everyone's hair is brushed and has something done to it.

Pika has a headband

Fukisa had a clip

Olivia had her hair straightened.

Lenka has a white bow in her hair.


Everyone: THANK YOU!!!!

Bud: *bows and walks away*

Pika: Oh yea. he is going to make a girl lucky one day. *Snickers*

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