|Shot 105| • Searching • |Stenbrough|

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"Okay, question 4: which of these is responsible for regulating temperature; a medulla, b hypothalamus, c thalamus, or d the hippocampus?"


I looked up to see Bill glancing vacantly out the window, legs close to his chest with his arms around them.

"Bill?" I said softly.

"Hmm? Oh. Um, c"

I smiled sympathetically and moved closer to him. I closed the book and gently placed my hand under his chin.

"Bill," I said gently, "I don't need psychology to tell when you're not okay. What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Stan, I just..."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I gripped his shoulder and he grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.

"I miss him so much" he said under his breath.

A tear fell from his glossy blue eyes and rolled down his cheek. I wiped it away and he held my hand for comfort.

I hated seeing him like this. I hated seeing Bill so sad and hurt. I stood up and grabbed my jacket.

"Wuh-Where are you going?" he questioned.

"We're going to look for Georgie" I answered matter-of-factly.

"Buh-But everyone says he's d-dead. Nobody believes muh-me that he's st-still alive"

"Well I do" I smiled, flashing my dimples.

His lips slowly curled into a small smile and I pulled him to his feet.

"C'mon" I said. "Let's go find him"


We grabbed flashlights and headed out to the barrens. The dark trees slowly creaked and swayed in the night wind, but it didn't seem to phase Bill at all.

His only concern at this point was finding Georgie, and I didn't blame him.

The moon shone on the sewer entrance and illuminated something yellow, shimmering in the murky stream water.

Bill knelt down slowly and picked it up. He studied it in his hands and suddenly I realized what it was. It was a torn piece of fabric from George's raincoat.

He clutched it tightly in his hand as I gripped his shoulder.


"He c-couldn't have gotten f-far" Bill surmised, cutting me off. "Come on, Stanny"

I followed suit and he stepped up to the dank sewer entrance. Just before he could step in, we heard a voice behind us.

"Bill" it beckoned.

"Georgie?" Bill called as he turned around.

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