► Chapter 13

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"-sleeping...I don't know, okay? I'm not Alexei to know what he's going to do next...Yeah, he told me that already...No, I'm not—look, it's not my damn fault the kid never had an anxiety disorder and Olivia shoved pills down his throat. He's going to be messed up for a while,"

Neil's deep voice dismayed, speaking in soft murmurs but it doesn't serve for anything as I'm starting to wake up from my slumber. I keep my eyes closed, pretending to still be sleeping, "Don't worry about it, Donovan. Send me the address and I'll take it from there...His leg is doing better, Doc said Matt will make a full recovery in a few weeks...Good luck with that, Don."

Donovan? The same person Neil was questioning me about not too long ago? And he called him boss—the Capro boss hired Neil...Donovan Capro? Why would Neil ask me if I ever met a Mafia boss of all things? I don't understand, why would a man I never met in my life be worried about me? Maybe it assures my mother I'm not dead yet.

"It's rude to pretend to be sleeping to eavesdrop on a conversation." I snap my eyes open, surprised the blonde Hitman can tell I was awake. Blue eyes observe the brawny man tying his shoes sitting at the foot of the bed across from me; a long-sleeved pale blue shirt exposes every dip and curve of his muscles, the sleeves pulled halfway up his forearms and the o-neckline doesn't show anything below the hollow of his throat.

When he stands up after tethering his laces, a brown belt holds his jeans in place, keeping it from slipping from his hips or his back that grips the roundness of his butt. "How did you know I was awake?" I ask, shifting around on the comfortable bed but remain on my side with my hand tucked beside my head.

Neil takes a jean jacket from the bed across from me, slipping it on, "You were making a confused face. I have to head out for a while, Alexei is going to come over and keep you company." He speaks monotonously.

I frown, "Where are you going?" Tone thick in curiosity and a hint of concern. The lofty male ignores my inquiry, stands in front of the desk then a loud click sharply reaches my ears instantly knowing it is a gun. "Don't go anywhere." The deep voice orders sternly, knowing what the threatening attitude means, I don't say anything in response.

He doesn't trust me.

It's not like I can go anywhere if I wanted to. I wouldn't know where to go from here and being aware of my shitty luck, I wouldn't be able to get very far without having another bullet in my leg. A sigh slips from my lips once I hear the door quietly lock itself in place; scuffling around, I get off the bed relieved my leg isn't as much in pain as I initially thought.

Recollecting Neil's conversation with the man, it went over my head how he knows my mother's name. The way he said it is like he knows her or something. Right, when I think I can make sense of what's going on, everything gets shuffled around and I don't know what's really happening anymore.

Who is she really? Who is Olivia Solavin? I want to know except I'm aware I won't be getting the answers to my questions at the moment. Raking my hand through my dark tresses, I pad my way to the bathroom yawning obnoxiously; I close the door once I enter, resting the palm of my hands onto a very long and marble sink. The mirror in front of me is as wide as the sink, a walk-in shower covered by a curtain behind me and a toilet beside me along a towel rack right above the toilet.

The bathroom is a decent size, very nicely designed. I'm grateful I'm not in some old and rundown motel. I stare into my blue eyes—so very blue and clear, it could pass almost as grey except for the small dark shade of blue going around the iris distinguishes it. My black bed hair has several wavy strands clinging to my right temple, skin smooth and nearly pale making it impossible to get a natural tan under the run no matter how many hours of the day I spent training.

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