Elena's POV

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I had always dreamed about when I could finally attend Hogwarts, but now that it is right in front of me, I wished nothing more than to be back with Lily and Hermione.

I knew that even if I made friends, they would neer come close to the friend that Lily was. No is. I had to tell myself that I would see her again. She is still my friend.

My mum and dad tried desperately to cheer me up. Dad was terrible at it considering he is in a bad mood himself. A full moon is fast approaching and he is becoming restless. Oh yeah, did I mention that my dad is a werewolf? Now you know.

It was a miracle that none of his traits passed on to me. The only difference is that on during a full moon, I start craving lots of meat. Thankfully I can easily control it.

We are on our way to King's cross station where my parents are just dropping me off because they have a meeting with someone at the Ministry.

I lugged my trunk towards platform 9 and 10 and aimed toward the barrier in between them. I ran through it and the Hogwart's Express stood glitterih in front of me.

"Oh!" I had tripped over my trunk and I stumbled and fell forward. Just before I hit the ground, however, an arm wrapped around my waist and hoisted me to my feet.

"Thank-" I turned to face the persson who had catched me and my breath got in my throat. He was a boy about my age with gorgeous green eyes and het black hair that stuck up everywhere. Then I noticed the lightening bolt scar on his forehead.

"You're Harry Potter!" I told him stupidly. He nodded, lookin rather embarrassed.

"Elena Lupin," I held out my hand, but before he could shake it something jumped onto my back.

"ELENA!" a very familiar voice screamed in my ear.

"LILY?!" I had never even thought about her being a witch. She got off my back and we properly embraced. I noticed Hermione and yanked her over to join us.

"You guys are witches?" I asked them. They nodded happily.

"Well see you Elena," I had forgotten about Harry. I shot a quick wave towards him as he walked to the train, draggig his trunk behind him.

"Elena! You and your friends better get on the train. It's going to leave soon," I recognized Mrs. Weasley who had invited us over for meals several times.

I gave her a smile and nodded. Lily, Hermione and I dragged our trunks to the train and Fred and George Weasley helped us get them on, the they scurried down the hallway to find a compartment.

We began searching for an empty compartment for ourselves, talking excitedly along the way. Lily an I had linked arms and were following Hermione down the hallway.

Lily stopped talking abruptly as a boy about our age stepped out of a compartment looking glum. I knew that look she was giving him. It was the same look that I had given Harry. Knowing that she liked him, I did what any good friend would do, and I pushed her towards him, but my plan backfired.

She stumbled and as he tried to catch her, they both swayed and landed on the ground in a heap with the boy on top. He laughed and helped her up. Lily groaned and brushed herself off.

"Sorry about that," she glared at me and I smiled sweetly back at her.

"It's okay," he smiled at her,"I'm Dean Thomas by the way," she shook the hand that he held out.

"Lily Granger," she replied.

Hermione and I introduced ourselves and shook hands with him as well.

"Would you like to find a compartment together?" he asked all of us, but he was looking hopefully at Lily. We agreed and we eventually found one at the very end of the train.

Hermione had pulled out a boon and was already reading before any of us had sat down. I plopped down next to her and stared at Dean, which he didn't notice as he was talking to Lily.

I looked at the pair of them as they sat down together and sighed, wishing I was sitting next to Harry. I had just got my friend back. Was I going to lose her again?.

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