Dean's POV

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I sat up groggily, the morning light filtering in through the windows. With a quick glance around, I saw that all the other boys were still asleep.

I changed into my robes and started downstairs to wait for Seamus to wake up in a more comfortable place. Six other people were already awake. The Weasley twins, three people I didn't know, and Lily.

She sat on a plush chair with a book in her lap. She was looking at it, but I could tell she wasn't reading it. Her face was scrunched up and her eyes weren't moving. I walked up to her without hesitation and sat across from her.

Lily snapped her book shut and looked up at me. She grinned widely and stood up. I stood up too.

"Did you want something?" she asked with a smile. I shook my head.

"Just saying hello. You got an issue with that?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Well in that case, hello," I held out my head and she grabbed it, shaking it wildly. We laughed together.

I don't know what it is about this girl, but when I'm with her, I feel like everything is perfect. I feel completely at ease, like I can do anything.

"Well there's Elena! Want to go to breakfast with us?" she asked. Very tempting. I'll admit, I did struggle for a moment before deciding to wait for Seamus.

She linked arms with Elena and grinned at me as they skipped out the door. I watched them go, Lily's brown hair flying wildly behind her.

"Wow mate! You have feelings!" Seamus's voice sounded from behind him. I sighed.

"Been there the whole time?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yep," he answered with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," I told him, sending a push in his direction. He shoved me back and we made our way out the portrait hole and to the Great Hall, fighting all the way.

Elena and Lily walked in a few minutes after we sat down. I sent them a confused look.

"Got lost," she mouthed. I nodded and shook my head with a grin. This year was going to be amazing! At least that's what I was hoping for.

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