Harry's POV

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I caught Elena staring at me through out dinner. I must admit that I was a bit creeped out, but it wasn't like she was the only one. Practially the whole room was staring me down. Eyes bore into me from all angles and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

Elena's stare was different though. I could tell. To everyone else it was like meeting a celebrity, but it seemed more as if she was sizing me up, analyzing me, and memorizing every inch of me. It was a bit awkward, but the funny thing is, I didn't really mind. She seemed like a nice girl and I figured we would become friends.

Her friend Lily wasn't giving me the celebrity stare either. She was looking at me as if I were the gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. I couldn't think why she would treat me this way. I was a bit used to it however, as I have lived with the Dursleys all my life. I wondered if this had to do with what Ron said. Okay so I had agreed with him, but seriously who wouldn't?

I didn't want her as a friend anyway. Though Elena was best friends with her. I definitely wanted Elena as my girl- friend. Just friend. I'm only eleven if nothing else.

"Harry?" someone asked timidly from behind me. I turned to see Elena standing behind me. I had been so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't realized she had gotten up.

"Yeah?" I sounded confident, but I was drop dead nervous.

"Can I sit with you guys for a moment?" I nodded and smiled. She started to return it, but stopped. She squeezed between Ron and me. When she was seated she turned to Ron. I have to say I was disappointed. Maybe a tiny bit jealous as well. NO! SHE IS JUST A FRIEND!

"You okay Harry? You look a little tempramental," George asked him. He nodded.

"That was really mean what you said about Hermione and Lily," Elena told Ron," then she turned to me,"and I can't believe you agreed with him!"

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," I told her hoping for a smile. Instead I received the back of her head again as she turned back to Ron.

"Look I can say I'm sorry all I want, but I won't mean it. She really is just a bossy know-it-all and Lily is mad. I wouldn't surprised if she ended up in azkaban!" Ron said and without thinking I laughed and nodded. Well it was pretty much true.

"You're agreeing with him again? If you weren't so darn cute- I mean, if you hadn't been nice to me earlier, I would already be giving you the same treatment as Lily. Honestly, I'm quite surprised she hasn't decked you yet. Insult Hermione again, and you'll probably earn at least a bloody nose, but she has broken a few too," with that, Elena went to sit next to Lily again. She even paused to knee me on "accident" as she got up.

On the bright side, Elena thinks I'm cute. Ron shrugged at me and continued eating. We did have to watch out for Lily. I really didn't want a broken nose. Elena was now glaring at me too. Alright. Two could play this game. And despite my mixed up feelings, I glared right back.

My goal before I graduate Hogwarts: win Elena Lupin. If this was the way she was gonna play, then I was going to play right along.

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