Ron's POV

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I decided I didn't like that Elena girl. Sure she wasn't a know-it-all or insane, but she certainly wasn't the type of person that I wanted to be friends with.

I turned towards Harry, and found that he was locked into a glaring contest with Elena. I tapped his shoulder and he turned away from her.

"Give it a rest mate! She isn't worth it," I told him. He nodded, but I thought I saw him sneak another glance at her.

I looked down the table to where she was sitting with Hermione and Lily. She seemed deep in a conversation, but her eyes kept wandering in their direction.

I shrugged and continued scarfing down the food that surrounded me. Harry shook his head at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked, my voice muffled because my mouth was full.

"Nothing," he answered with a smile.

After a little while, the feast disappeared and hundreds of desserts took it's place. Harry and I grinned at each other and dug in.

We were sent to bed not long after with full stomachs. We followed Percy, who happened to be my brother, to the common room. He became prefect this year and all he ever did was brag about it. He's a git really.

Anyway, he led us through too many hallways to remember until we reached a big portrait of a fat lady. Percy gave her a password, but I was too busy yawning to hear it. Harry would remember it.

I saw Hermione roll her eyes at me as she stepped into the Gryffindor common room. I sent a smirk her way, too tired to do much else.

"Girl's dormitory to the right and the boys to the left," Percy was saying. I wasted no time. Harry and I trudged up the staircase and climbed into bed without changing.

All our things had been brought up for us. Our trunks lay at the end of our beds.

I stayed awake long enough to see that Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom were our roommates, but then I was out. Quite happily, I might add. I was finally at Hogwarts an I was in Gryffindor. Now all that was left was Ginny, but I didn't worry about that as I snuggled further under my sheets and drifted off to sleep.

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