Elena's POV

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I have a secret. I am half-blood witch. My parents raised me as one, but at school, the secrets never stopped. Magic can be annoying or amazing. It really depends on the day and situation. Of course I don't have a wand yet and being underage, even if I did, I couldn't use it.

This weekend though I would get a wand and an owl! My dad made me wait until I turned eleven, which was today! Before my muggle friends came over for my party, however, my parents were getting all the magical gifts out of the way.

I received enough candy to last a life time. Licorice Wands, Cauldron Cakes, Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans, Chocolate Frogs, and lots more. I got a wizarding photo album which means that the pictures move. The best present by far was necklace. It had a golden snitch with my last name (Lupin) written upon it. According to my parents it would block all basic, unfriendly spells. After each block it would need an hour to recharge though.

I hugged both my parents. My moment of happiness turned into panic, however when the doorbell rang.

I hid my presents in an empty cupboard while my parents greeted my friends.

"See you later girls," a man's voice said.

"Bye dad!" two more voices replied.

I had just closed the cupboard when my friends tackled me with a hug.

Lily and Hermione are twins, but they look nothing alike. Lily's hair is straighter and darker and Hermione's hair is lighter and poofy. We all shared a birthday and we had been celebrating it together for the past three years.

Lily and I have been friends since first grade, but Hermione who could out smart the fifth graders at that time, skipped a grade. She didn't become friends with me until I was in third grade.

Hermione could get on my nerves sometimes because of her randomly spouted facts, but Lily knew every inch of me inside and out.

I still hadn't told her that I would not be joining her for fifth grade. I knew it would break her heart.

"Happy birthday!" they yelled at the same time. (Every twin does it at least once in their lives)

"You too!" I yell back.

"Presents girls!" Mum called from the living room.

We cheered and raced each other to the hall. I had a few muggle presents from my parents and Hermione and Lily had each brought me a present from them.

"Oh my goodness! Thankyou so much!" I hugged my parents after discovering that they had got me my very own guitar. Hermione smiled at me. Lily thrust my present from her into my arms.

"Thankyou!" I tackled her with a hug too because she had got me the songbook I had been wanting forever.

Hermione got me a book on arithmacy. I knew that from her it was a genuine gift though, so I hugged her as well.

"Thanks Hermione!" I tried to sound as enthusiastic about it as I had the others. Lily tried to cover up smile, but I saw it and shot a glare in her direction.

"Open mine now!" I shouted into her ear, and she playfully shoved me away.

She unwrapped the small package and gasped. I smiled happily. I had got her a custom made friendship necklace made from real silver. Her name was engrained on half a heart. She looked up at me.

"Is this real?" she seemed surprised that I would spend that much on her. I nodded an pulled my out from under my shirt. She gasped again.

"Oh Elena! I love it!" she knocked me over with her hug. Hermione looked jealous, but didn't say anything.

"Open your's Hermione!" I urged her. I got her a necklace too. Lily's and mine latched together to make a locket and Hermione's smaller golden necklace fit perfectly inside. Hers had a small "H" on it as her name was too long. More hugs and "thankyous" were exchanged.

I had got them such big presents because when I left, I wanted them to know I still cared for them. How on earth was I going to tell them that I was leaving?

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