Hermione's POV

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"What if she's expelled? Do you think that she'll expect me to leave with her? This school isn't offered to just anybody though and I haven't even seen the library yet-" I was saying more to myself then Elena.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Elena grumbled as we walked up the steps to the common room together.

"Aren't you aftaid that she'll get thrown out?" I asked, confused. Elena sighed, and seemed to get herself under control. I still couldn't understand why she was mad though. If anything she should be frightened.

"Of course not," she said finally. The continued in silence until they reached the portrait hole.

Dean, Seamus, and a few other Gryffindors entered ahead of them so they didn't have to give the password.

A couple sixth year girls were sitting on a table whispering excitedly. Several third years crowded around the wall where their very first Hogsmeade visit was tacked. Lily, Harry, and Ron laughed and paid no mind to the homework in front of them.................. Wait! Lily and Harry!

"Lily?" I asked walking up to her.

"Oh hey! Guess what?" Lily asked, her eyes gleaming. I tried for a smile, still not knowing the fate that awaited her.

"Harry and I are on the Quidditch team!" Lily told them happily.

"Do you even know what Quidditch is?" Hermione asked with a grin.

"Not really, but it sounds awesome! Wood's going to teach us some things on Friday and-"

"Quidditch can't be all that great if you have to directly disobey a teachers orders to be on the team," Elena said from behin me. Since when has she ever been rude to Lily? But she did sort of have a point.

"As great as that is, you really should have listened to Madam Hooch. You could have been expelled!" I told her.

"But I wasn't was I? I try to help a kid out and something amazig happens to me, and you two can't accept it!" Lily stood up. I could tell she was mostly mad at Elena. I got on her all the time.

"Its not that amazing! I certainly wouldn't want to play!" Elena countered. This was getting bad. I tried to push myself between the two, but they kept yelling over me.

"I think you're just jealous! Because I don't even have wizarding parents like you and I'm still better than you at it!" People were starting to stare. In fact a circle was beginning to form. Apparently fights were just as interesting in the wizarding world as they were in muggle schools. Actually they were probably more interesting. It would be interesting to see a duel.......

"Yeah? Well I would rather be bad at Quidditch than a mudblood like yourself. Besides Quidditch, I'll bet you don't have a drop of magical power in you!" Elena yelled.

"ELENA!" I rounded on her. She seemed to realize that she had gone too far, but she made no move to take it back.

Lily turned and stomped out the portrait hole, slamming it behind her. The Fat Lady let out a yelp when it fell back into to place.

Elena ran up to the the girl's dormitories, leaving the rest of us standing around awkwardly.

"If she wants to play Quidditch that bad then I can see if I can give up my spot for her," Harry spoke quietly. I turned slowly to him.

"Elena hates Quidditch," I told him, leaving everyone even more confused. Before they could question me more, I was out the door. It was time I found the library.

Okay so it isn't that long, but at least its something. I hope you all liked it and just to let you know, Elena didn't mean a word of what she said. When people are upset they tend to choose words that would hurt the most whether they meant them or not.

Again sorry for the long wait, I'll try to do better. Love yall<3

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