Part 2

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Natasha was in labor, two weeks earlier then expected. But the doctors assured it was normal. Her labor was too spontaneous, being the fifth pregnancy and she wasn't in much pain. But Steve panicked as always.

"I need to go inside. She needs me" he kept saying.

"Baby, stay here. She'll do just fine" Sharon rubbed his back, trying to keep him away.

"No, she needs me. I know. She gets very scared. She is very.. I am going in" he rushed away.

The nurses let him in, and Natasha was on the labor table, sweating as always.

"Hey, I am here" he held her hand and kissed her forehead, "we'll do this together ".

She nodded, and tried to smile. He sat beside her and held hand as she went through the pain. She didn't scream as much this time. It was an easy delivery. And soon their three children were born. Two girls and a boy.

"They are so tiny" Steve said, as the nurse handled the kids over to the parents. Natasha had tears in her eyes. She was still aware of the upcoming divorce, and the struggle after.

"I have three daughters now" he said, "three princess "

"All of them would be deprived of their father's love" Natasha said, painfully, bringing Steve back to the reality, hitting him hard.


3 months later

Natasha was leaving the house, with her children. Their divorce was still in proceedings, but she couldn't stay with Steve anymore. Especially with Sharon in front of her all the time.

"Leaving already? Daughter? " Joseph, Steve's father, asked, as she reached the door step.

"What else can I do? Father? He doesn't love me, anymore. Staying here is, pointless" she said.

"Where are you going? " he asked.

"I.. For now, to my friend's, then I would find a new place, and a job" she said.

"And how are you going to manage everything with eight little kids? " he asked.

"I don't know" she said.

"You consider me, your father? " he asked, tenderly.

"Yes, of course. I do" she replied.

"Then, you have to agree to this" he took a key out of his pocket, "this is your house. I have arranged for two nannies to help you. And you are not going to find a job. You are going to college. You would continue your studies"

Natasha was shocked, "No, dad. I can't. I can't take this"

"Why not? You are my daughter. Still legally wed to my son. And well, these children are my heirs. I have decided to give everything to them. Steve and any of his new children would have no share to things I earned. I am disowning him. " he stated.

"No, dad. Don't. Please " Natasha pleaded.

"Why? He disappointed me, as a son, as a husband, as a father. He doesn't own a penny in this. I earned it. I decide to pass it to my grandchildren. Don't argue with me, and do what I say. " he said, "if you respect me, do it"

Natasha couldn't argue further, she took the keys and hugged Joseph.

"I didn't loose you dad" she said.

"You never would, my precious daughter. I am there for you. Always" he said.

She smiled at him, and then Joseph hugged all his grandchildren before seeing them off.

"You would always be my daughter. And Steve's wife, Natasha. I will make sure of that" Joseph thought with a smile.

Steve on the other hand was shocked.

"Get out of my house, I disown you. Live on the streets, pay your lawyers, all by yourself " Joseph said, throwing Steve's stuff out of his house.

"What are you doing, Joe? He's your son" Mrs. Rogers said.

"Its none of your business, Lia, its between me and my son. And I have another decision to make, soon" Joseph said in anger.

"Dad, what happened? Why are you? " Steve was confused.

"You need to learn, son. Good bye" Joseph closed the doors and Steve was on his own now.

Steve was alone now, with no money, a few clothes, and no food or shelter. Sharon took him to her house, but he couldn't just stay there.

Natasha was satisfied, not happy but fine with her life. She started college, loved her kids and lived a normal life. While Steve was in constant struggle.

And, since he had no money to eat, he couldn't afford the lawyers, and so, the question of divorce was out of the scene, for a long period of time.

Sorry for the late and small update.
But the story starts from here.
They are separated.
What would happen now?
How would they find their way back?
Also, there would be a fourth angle.
Do give your reviews.

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