Don't fall

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Don't fall in love with her
Remember your wounds
She will open them
And blow on it
Please don't do that
Fall for me instead

Don't let her rise hunger
And fear of tomorrow
She will poison your sleep
Abandoning you in dreams
Hunting you in nightmares
But I'll wake you up

Don't mislay your heart
She will tie it to her hair
And run in the cold wind
She will stab it with her laugh
And juggle it to the moon and back
And you know I need it

Don't wake up next to her
Your hand won't leave her
She will wrap her arms
Around your naked body
You'll dive in her deep eye
Will you drown me too ?

Don't give her your soul
And don't take her core
Love is strong and love is weak
She will never be you
No one will ever be
No one but me.

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