10) The Princess & the Moon

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Chaeyoung took a seat directly in front of Hoseok, eager to finally get some answers to the numerous questions swarming through her mind. The urgency of their situation had provided her with little time to think about anything other than survival; however, now, that they had escaped from imminent danger, it was all beginning to slowly sink in.

Her father was dead. During the event she had planned. On a night of celebration and joy. Right before her eyes. And she had failed to save him.

She had no idea why Jisoo and Lisa had brought her to this inn, or how Jung Hoseok was related to all of this. In addition, she was completely oblivious as to how and why Yoongi, Taehyung, and Seokjin were present. It felt like she was a rag doll, being helplessly dragged from one location to another while the world crumbled around her.

"Let me start by offering my condolences, your highness," Hoseok bowed his head respectfully.

Chaeyoung gulped the emotional lump that was forming in her throat and offered him a simple nod in response. She did not want to think about the situation for too long – not here, not when she was on the brink of an emotional breakdown.

"So, you knew I was the princess when Jisoo and I came in the other day?"

Hoseok and Jisoo exchanged a semi-guilty glance, "yes, I have known you since the day you were born."

"That's a little creepy," Yoongi remarked, earning a stern glance from almost everyone at the table.

"I used to be a scholar in the palace, and a close companion of your father's. I can still clearly remember that spring night when the kingdom welcomed both you and Mingyu to the world. It was one of the darkest and brightest nights I have ever experienced. The moon shined so brilliantly, but the dark clouds loomed in the sky with just as much strength."

"That night, I was part of the team of astronomers who were tasked with predicting your future. Our findings revealed that the King's first-born was destined to rule, and that if Mingyu ever inherited the throne, Goryeo would be doomed."

Taehyung scoffed, "and you predicted all of this based on the angles of the stars and the brightness of the moon?"

"Don't forget the intensity of the wind," Jin added in with a loud laugh.

"I'm sorry, why are you here again?" Lisa asked, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Because he has nothing better to do with his life," Jisoo muttered with a frustrated sigh, "please, Hoseok, continue with your story."

"As I was saying, after hearing these predictions, the King immediately began to take precautions. He knew that the Prince would eventually overthrow him, and wanted to ensure you would be protected, should anything of that nature occur. He picked me as your head guardian, and when Jisoo and Lisa grew of age, he recruited them as well."

"So, this entire time, you have been secretly protecting and watching over me?" Chaeyoung asked in astonishment.

"Yes, and that is not all. Over the past couple seasons, the King began to suspect that Mingyu, Concubine Kim, and Official Yang were beginning to plot treason. He feared it was because he had shown you too much affection, so he tried to distance himself from you. Do you remember that evening when I suggested you pick iris roots for your father?"

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "yes. Do not tell me that was part of your grand scheme."

"I'm afraid it was. Jisoo and I both knew you would run to the palace garden – which is why we sent half a dozen men to fake your death and take you to a safe location where the Prince would not be able to find you. And that is where this fellow," Hoseok shot an irked glance at Taehyung, "came in and ruined everything."

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