14) Ilsan

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Taehyung was not exaggerating. Every single part of Chaeyoung's body did ache when she arose the morning after their first training session. Any slight movement provoked a sharp shooting pain to travel like lightning bolts throughout her entire body and she was fairly certain she would never walk normally again. Riding on a horse for the entire day had only aggravated matters.

And yet, here she was, standing in front of Taehyung for round two.

"Are you feeling okay?" Taehyung raised a brow as he stretched his arms, his eyes glittering with amusement as they so often did when he looked at her.

"Yes," Chaeyoung lied, "never been better."

"Really?" he grinned, obviously not convinced, and then took a few intimidating steps towards her, "not sore?"

She clenched her jaw but did not retreat from his intense gaze the way she would have a couple days ago.

"Not at all."

"Wonderful," he flashed her a smug grin before pointing to the ground, "then, you wouldn't mind beginning today's training with 20 push ups?"

"I would love that," she replied through gritted teeth and then dropped to the soft, grassy ground Taehyung had chosen to practice in that morning. Before she even got into the correct position, she could feel her muscles aching.

Playing the role of a 'delicate' princess all her life meant that Chaeyoung had always been cared for and lived a labour-free life. The fact that she had never experienced the pain of physical exertion until that day made her realize just how sheltered and fragile she was; those were not characteristics fit for a queen. This realization caused the sparks of determination in her to grow into a full blazing fire. She needed to be fearless, she needed to be strong – not just for herself, but for her people.

Somehow, she managed to pull off the 20 push-ups Taehyung had demanded of her, albeit an endless amount of shaking, a series of unwomanly grunts, and loads of pain. It may have taken her a long time to complete them, but she was still slightly proud as she finished the last one and slumped to the ground immediately afterwards.

She managed to peek up at Taehyung just in time to catch his impressed smile before he wiped it away with his default cold expression.

"Congratulations," he said sarcastically while glancing at the sunny sky, "it only took you until sundown, but you have successfully completed the first exercise."

Chaeyoung grabbed a handful of grass and soil and threw it at him from where she was trying to catch her breath on the cool ground.

"Shut up, it didn't take that long."

He deftly dodged the storm of grass and soil with an amused grin before walking over to a rock-filled area of the lush forest, no doubt expecting her to follow. With a heavy sigh, and with her muscles still burning, she got up and walked towards him.

"The next exercise will be like hitting two birds with one stone—"

Chaeyoung gasped in mock horror, "what kind of monster would hit a bird with a stone?"

He gave her an unimpressed look before continuing, "if you interrupt me again, I will be forced to punish you."

Chaeyoung began to laugh but immediately stopped upon seeing his completely serious and slightly angry expression.

"Wow, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the forest this morning?" she asked, using the same expression he had used on her yesterday.

"Chaeyoung—" he exhaled deeply and closed his eyes like his patience was on the verge of combusting.

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