39) Busan

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Witnessing the reunion of Irene and her missing courtesans was like watching a long-lost estranged family find each other again after years of separation and anguish. They wept and embraced and laughed and rejoiced all at once.

Taehyung stood back and simply watched all these emotions unfold before him, feeling an unexpected surge of pride and warmth fill his chest. Growing up under such rough and poor conditions, he had rarely had the chance to focus his energy on anything other than his own survival, his own well-being – but there was a certain, invaluable sense of contentment that accompanied helping others. A feeling he had only recently begun to discover, one Chaeyoung had made him understand.

"I have already prepared your ships," Irene said, gesturing towards the four ships that stood proudly along the ocean shore, "the weapons and your horses were too heavy to fit on one, so you can take these four ships first and come back for the others afterwards. You would not want to scare the Busan soldiers with 10 approaching warships all at once ... unless your aim is to appear terrifying."

"Well, that is arguably always my aim," Yoongi commented proudly, but Irene no longer paid much attention to his sarcastic comments, having spent only a few days with the team and already used to his personality.

Instead, she turned to smile at Chaeyoung. "Thank you for all you have done, and an early congratulations for the battle I am sure you will win. If you ever require anything, never hesitate to write me a letter. Not to boast or anything, but I happen to possess useful information about anything and everything that occurs in this country."

"In other words," Seokjin whispered loudly to Chaeyoung, literally hiding nothing, "she is a boss ass bitch."

Irene threw him a small, amused smile while the rest of the group chuckled in mild embarrassment.

"Who don't need no man—" Seokjin continued but was cut off by an annoyed Yoongi.

"Okay, that's enough." He pulled Seokjin back towards the ships as the rest of the group bid their farewells to Irene and her ladies.

Taehyung bit his lip to hide a smile at the comical scene in front of him. Although Seokjin tended to annoy him to death, he also managed to brighten any tense situation with his cringey and usually inappropriate humour. Often, he left the group stunned with the ridiculousness of his words, but Taehyung could no longer picture any adventure without him.

As the courtesans began hugging and praising Chaeyoung, he turned around to follow Yoongi and Seokjin towards the dock when one of the ladies suddenly blocked his path.

"Taehyung," she nodded at him as a greeting, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. She met his gaze with insightful, deep-emerald eyes, and whispered, "seek victory and you will gain weakness, look for a weakness and you shall be granted victory."

Taehyung barely had time to register the fact that she knew his name, let alone her confusing words. Before he could even open his mouth, she had rejoined the rest of her group. Swivelling around, he watched her walk away with furrowed brows.

"How did that woman know my name?" he asked when Chaeyoung finally walked over to him.

She followed his gaze in surprise before understanding dawned on her face, "ahh, because she's psychic."

He threw her an unimpressed, disbelieving look, "very funny."

"No, it's true," she stated with wide, innocent eyes as they began walking towards the ship.

Taehyung hid an amused smile, "you're telling me she used her magical powers to figure out my name and confuse me with riddles?"


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