Chapter 1

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--- EMMA'S POV ---

Killian and I get woken up by our screaming baby every few hours at night since Hope can't sleep through the whole night just yet. With that being the case, it's become quite normal for us to sleep a little later than we (or actually just Killian) are used to – surprisingly Hope sleeps quite well from 6 to 10 am.

But there is something different happening today. It's not the time. And Hope's cries don't wake us either. Today we wake up to the scent of freshly baked cinnamon pancakes and hot cocoa with cinnamon. We are quite alarmed by it and assume that it is another villain once again, who breaks into people's homes and smells of breakfast – which might sound insane, but if living in Storybrooke has taught me anything it's that nothing is too crazy to be true. So, we quickly run into Hope's nursery, which is right next to our room, to check up on her. But she is okay and still sleeping soundly. Once we were sure that Hope is one hundred percent fine, we walk downstairs, while I prepared to use my magic against the intruder. And I almost did hit them with my magic, but at the last minute I realized, that my dad was here. It was too late to stop my magic completely by then, so now we have a little hole in the basement door. It's not perfect, but better than David losing his head. I should fix that door one day with my magic, but right now I only use it in emergencies since I have no idea, if I have unlimited access to it, while I'm as exhausted as I am during the first few weeks of my daughter's life.

"Dad, what the hell are you doing here? I almost killed you with my magic!"

David quickly turned around and a big smile covered nearly his whole face. He approached us quickly and took our hands, escorting us to the table. Once we reached it, my dad pulled both our chairs out for us and literally pushed us to sit in them.

"Okay, I'm officially worried, dad. What is going on?"

"Can't a father cook for his daughter and his son in-law?" said David, while setting another plate with a stack of pancakes on the table and filling both mine and Killian's plates with his famous and quite delicious baked goods. I'm happy, that for once in her life my mother was capable of keeping a secret. If David knew, that Killian and I once referred to pancakes, when my mother walked in on us trying to have sex on the kitchen table, he would never ever make pancakes again. And what a loss would that be.

That is also why I told Killian to stop referring to Hope as our little pancake, when David is around. He might put two and two together otherwise after the whole tacos thing a few years ago after my mother and I came back from the Enchanted Forest.

"Sure, you can do that, but usually when you do it, you're up to something. Last time you made me pancakes here was the day after I told you and mum that Killian is moving in with me." I smiled at my now husband and took his hand across the table. I still remember the day I asked him to move in and now I smile fondly, while thinking about that memory. I'm glad that I could overcome my fear caused by my visions that day since there's no one I'd rather live with than Killian, and Hope of course. "So, what is it this time, dad?"

David sighed and put his cooking spoon down, before sitting down at the table too.

"I just wanted to help you, Emma. I know how exhausting a new-born can be each night and you guys might hide it well, but you are quite sleep-deprived. I mean you almost fell asleep during the coronation Emma." To my defence the coronation was pretty boring, and I only went there to show off my baby anyway. So, who cares if I actually would have slept during Regina's speech? I mean who wouldn't drift off in that boring situation. And Killian's head was so comfortable against my own. I couldn't help it. "Also, you are always so busy with little Hope, that I hardly see you anymore since I'm always at the station, when you visit your mother and brother. But it's okay, I can go, if that's what you want." David got up from his seat, but I quickly reached for his hand and motioned for him to sit back down.

"I never said, that you weren't welcome here. I was just wondering why. Now have breakfast with us." I smiled at him and he gave me a smile in return.

After that we didn't really talk about anything in particular anymore. We chatted a little about Hope, which has been the only thing on our minds ever since she was born three weeks ago. My father loved her a lot. She was his little sunshine and he constantly asked a thousand questions about every single detail of her day. Killian and I were always happy to tell him everything since it gave us the opportunity to relive every moment with Hope, while our little angel was sleeping soundly.

But speaking of our sleeping angel, she isn't quite so sleepy anymore. Like five minutes into the breakfast, she started waking up and announced that by crying very loudly.

"I'll get her." I say, while already being on my way upstairs to Hope. As soon as I look into her crib the crying subsides and by the time I pick her up it's completely gone. She's mostly a very quiet baby, that isn't troubling us too much. As soon as she'll sleep through the night, she's going to be the best baby that's ever lived. And I'm not just saying that because she is my baby.

"You want to say good morning to daddy and grandpa?" I give her a sweet kiss on the cheek and then we're making our way downstairs to the boys. I focus on Killian, while we're going into the kitchen and I must say, that his big smile as soon as his eyes land on our baby never gets old. I enjoy watching it just as much as I enjoy watching Hope herself. In the past I never pictured my life being like this. I never thought that I'd be married one day and least of all to a fairytale character. I never expected to have another child either, but I'm glad that this is my reality now. I've never been happier and that's all thanks to my little family.

I sit back down on the table while holding Hope close to me and smile softly down at her cute little face. My dad affectionately strokes her head and Killian reaches over the table and lets her hold one of his fingers.

"So, do you guys have any plans for today?" My father asks, and Killian and I quickly look at each other.

"I don't think so."

"It's nice weather for sailing. Elsa called yesterday to check up on Hope. Maybe you three could visit her with the Jolly Rodger."

That sounds like a nice idea, actually. I haven't seen Elsa since the day after Hope was born. After that she had to get back to Arendelle since she's their Queen.

"I think that is a great idea. What do you say, love?"

"Let's do this. I'm sure Elsa would be very happy about the visit and it would be Hope's first time on the ship. Why don't you get the ship ready to set sail and I'll quickly feed Hope and dress her. The more time we'll have later to show Hope around Arendelle and your ship, too."

"Sounds like a plan, my love."

I gave Hope to David, so that Killian and I could clean the kitchen. David complained about it, but we wouldn't hear any of it since he already made the breakfast for us. Then we quickly went upstairs to change and have a little bit of a smooch. Once we were finished, David put Hope back into my arms and said goodbye to us. Then we walked over to Killian and I gave him a short kiss.

"We'll meet you at the ship in a while, okay?"

"Yeah, my love. I'll see you two then."

He then leaned down to kiss Hope's forehead and the sound she made almost sounded like a little laugh. She really is too adorable for her own good.

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