Chapter 12

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--- EMMA'S POV ---

"Okay, okay. I'll help you." My past self says. I sigh out in relief and breathe out a deep breath I wasn't aware of holding in. It seems like I've made the impossible possible. I've convinced Emma that everything will be fine, and she promised to help me find my way back home. My inner lie detector didn't notice anything weird about Emma's answer, so she must tell the truth. If she isn't, I'm prepared for it since I still expect her to have her doubts. Anyone would have some in this situation – especially people, who grew up in a world, where magic isn't real and people who believe in it are considered crazy, insane and stupid.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me." I say to her and she gives me a small smile in return. I can tell it doesn't quite reach her eyes. So, I was right. She's still a little freaked out, but that's fine. Baby steps.

"No problem. I'm supposed to be a...savior, so I guess helping others is kind of my job." I remember my own difficulties with the 'savior' part and voicing it out loud. It would've been easier, if I knew back then, that there were other saviors – that I wasn't alone in this. But I can't tell my past self that. From now on I should only let her know things that are absolutely necessary. I already said too much about the future.

"It's a hard job, but it's worth it. Believe me." I pat her shoulder to give her hope. Speaking of hope, I really miss my baby. I need to get back to her as soon as possible. What if she misses me? What if she is sad? Or what if my parents have no clue what to do with her? They don't have their second child and aren't even planning to have it yet. The only thing they had to do for me was put me in a wardrobe. They might have no idea what to do with a baby. My mom did read an awful lot of baby and pregnancy books during her pregnancy with my little brother – what if that is because she can't handle kids, that aren't at school age yet?

Oh god. I really have to stop thinking about everything that could go wrong and rather focus on getting back to my baby girl. She needs me after all – at least that's how it feels to me right now. I swear I can hear her crying in the back of my mind and the sound drives me crazy with worry. I need to get to her. Right now.

"I should really go back to the station now. I left Hope with your parents and I really miss her. I need to make sure that she's fine. Do you want to come with me?"

My past self flinches at the name. Haven't I mentioned it before? Anyway, it's probably not a name I would've given her, if I had her during this time period. I was still a lost girl, who didn't think she mattered and never had enough hope for that to change. I was a really hopeless person – a pessimist – I realize.

After a moment, Emma nods and approaches her yellow bug.

"I'll drive you. I have to get back to work anyway." She signals for me to get into the car. I look from her to the sheriff station car, that brought me here earlier, with a questionable look.

"What about the other car?" I ask curiously. Maybe Emma has forgotten about it. That doesn't sound like me, but still. What other explanation could there be?

She looks over to the car now and shrugs. "I'll just tell one of the dwarves to bring it back later on. They can make themselves useful for once, instead of sitting around and making experiments at the town line or annoying me all day." Huh. That's a good idea actually. Leroy has a tendency to interrupt Killian and I all the time – at a rate, that makes it a real surprise that we have a kid. I should try Emma's idea once I'm home. I'll get my parents or Henry to babysit Hope and I'll give Leroy some chores at the station. Then me and my husband can finally have some uninterrupted pancakes. It's been too long – at least I think so.

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