Chapter 2

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--- EMMA'S POV ---

After Killian and my dad left, me and Hope quickly went back to mine and Killian's bedroom to retrieve Hope's nautical diaper bag and her pink bottle. That was at least the plan, but she's so adorable, that it's quite easy to get distracted by her.

So, I ended up lying on the bed with her in my arms. I rocked her softly and she was making these cute little noises again. I'm sure it won't take her long to actually learn how to laugh. She shouldn't know how to smile for her age either, but she already did on the day of the coronation. That was actually the reason we were late even though my mother was giving us weird smirks, when I apologized to her once again for us arriving late. She probably thought we were already working on a little sibling for Hope – which we weren't. That doesn't mean though, that you can't have a little fun. And to our defence, we didn't plan any of it. It was Hope's fault actually, whom my mother probably also blamed at the coronation if anyone asked about our whereabouts for my father's sake.

--- Flashback to coronation day ---

Killian and I are just casually sitting next to her crib after we dressed her and watch her mesmerized, memorizing how beautiful she looks in her adorable tiny dress. I am holding one of her little hands and Killian is softly tickling her stomach. And before we know what is happening, she is smiling at us.

"Oh my god! She smiled, Swan!" Killian says, while I say, that we should get the camera quickly. She might do it again, after all. So, we both run from Hope's nursery to our bedroom in quite a hurry – something unplanned was bound to happen and it did. When we tried to run through the door of our shared room at the same time our arms and legs somehow tangled themselves together and we fell to the floor with a loud thud.

After that we couldn't stop laughing for what felt like hours. We totally forgot why we went to our room in the first place and just laid next to each other on the floor. Probably a few minutes later Killian's laugh faded and the expression on his face suddenly turned serious. He stared in my eyes for only a moment before running his hand all over my body – starting with my head and working his way down to my feet. Then he stands up and quickly pulls me to my feet too, keeping his arms locked tightly around my waist.

"Are you okay, Swan? Are you hurt anywhere?" Killian asks worried, when he was finished with examining me, looking as intensely at me as if he intends to drill a hole in my head any second.

"I'm fine. You?" I smile reassuringly at him and he just gives me a little nod before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine with a sudden force and urgency. He must have been even more worried than I thought – not that that's new. He's been extra protective ever since we found out that I was pregnant with Hope and her birth obviously didn't change anything about it. I slowly pull away long enough to tell him that I'm fine multiple times between kisses. And after a while his body seems to relax again. I pull away again when that happens and put my hands on either side of his face.

"I'm not made of glass. I won't break that easily, so stop burdening yourself with your fear caused by your protectiveness." I lean my forehead against his and hug him tightly to me.

"I know, Swan. You're a tough lass, but sometimes my worry gets the best of me. I apologize for overreacting."

I look up at him and shake my head slightly.

"No need to apologize. I don't mind it. It's actually quite adorable, but I know that all that worry must be getting to you somehow. So, stop worrying and just focus on our happiness." I peck his lips, but he pouts at me.

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