Chapter 29

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~~~ EMMA'S POV ~~~

Hope has been restless for far too long, so I decide to pay Hook a visit at his ship. I know seeing him will put my daughter at ease - damn the risk of changing the timeline. My baby needs this. I hate to see her sad. And I sort of need to see him, too.

I know he's not my husband, but it's close enough. This used to be Killian, which is all that matters to me.

I doubt, it'll cause complications anyway. I think Emma and Hook are on quite good terms at the moment. I saw them at Granny's having lunch together just a few days ago.

They seemed friendly.

So, it won't confuse Hook that I want to hang out with him.


I arrive at the docks and walk to the Jolly Rodger. Hook isn't on deck, so I go to check below deck. I climb down the latter, which is quite complicated with baby Hope on my arm. But I manage anyway. I walk to his door.

The door to his quarter's stands open slightly. I can see him. He sits there at the desk with a glass of rum. I knock on the door softly, which causes it to swing open. I move into the doorway.

Hook looks up at me - a smile covering his whole face in an instant. Then, his eyes land on Hope, who is squirming in my arms at the sight of the past version of her dad. He looks at her softly and continues to smile.

"Babysitting again, Swan?" Hook asks with his eyebrow raised. He seems to be in a good mood judging by his voice.

I'm about to answer, that no I'm not babysitting since this is my child, but then I stop myself.

He still doesn't know that there are two Emma's. That's probably for the best, too. He's far too perceptive. I think he'd put together two and two and would realize, that Hope is his daughter. He's not as guarded as I used to be after all. And he never made it a big secret, that he always had a thing for me. Maybe even back then and not just in Neverland.

Anyway, he can't find out.

Then, Emma might find out and she'd definitely freak out.

So, yeah. He can never know!

"Yes. She's adorable, so I like hanging out with her. Can we come in?" I say, smiling at Hope and then at him.

"Of course, love."

I walk inside and sit on the table close to Hook's chair. His smell fills my nostrils, which drives me crazy. I miss him so much and smelling him doesn't help that in the least.

He softly runs his hand over Hope's head. "Hello, little love."

That's when Hope starts reaching out her hands to him. I should've seen this coming! A second passes and she instantly starts to cry loudly. She can be quite stubborn if she doesn't get her way.

"Would you mind?" I ask him while nodding to Hope. I rock her softly, but that's obviously not helping. She wants her dad now. There's no changing her mind. She must have inherited that from her dad. I'm not this stubborn!

He shakes his head and grabs the pink protector, which he had lying on his desk. I can't believe he kept that! Does that mean he cares for her, even though he doesn't even know she's his daughter? That's so cute!

Hook puts it on his hook and then, I place Hope in his arms. She stops crying in an instant and cuddles into his chest. She smiles up at him.

I wipe the tears off her face. That's when Hook freezes. His eyes lock on my rings.

Oh shit. I know I shouldn't have worn them in the past! Emma wasn't the only problem, it was also the people, who don't know I'm not her! People, who are unaware I'm married and have a baby.

Luckily it's just Hook now. He always gets so confused by modern culture. I can just tell him, that these are fashion accessories. They're worth much more than that and he'll be able to tell. He's a pirate after all, but I'll just act like that's normal in my realm.

He won't know.

"Where did you get that ring?" He asks. His voice is barely above a whisper.

But he doesn't sound sad or anything. So, what is going on?

I could imagine him being sad since he might think the person he loves is married to someone else. But what else could cause his reaction? What am I missing? Why can I suddenly not read him?

When I don't say anything, Killian lifts up my hand with his hook to look at the rings more clearly. He gasps and looks at me with shocked eyes.

"Where did you get this, Swan?" He repeats more determined.

"Does it matter? It's just a ring." I try to play it cool. But, I doubt it'll work. He won't let this go so soon.

"This isn't just a ring. Not to me anyway. It looks just like my mother's." He says.

I gasp.

Killian never mentioned, that my engagement ring was his mother's. I did wonder how he paid for a ring in doubloons. But, I never asked, nor did I expect this! Oh my god. Did he really give me the last thing he had of his family? Again?

First, he gave up the Jolly Rodger to save me - his and Liam's home. And now, he also gave me his mother's ring!

I love him so much.

A tear slips down my face. I'm just so emotional and happy right now.

Hook stands up and wipes the single tear away with the pink protector on his hook. He looks at me with worry. "Is everything alright, Swan?"

"Yes. I'm fine." I say, trying to sound cold, but that's probably not working too well. Not when I'm standing opposite my true love.

"Then why are you crying, love?" He asks softly, while Hope reaches for his hook. She's obsessed with it. It's a good thing we both insisted on the protector. Otherwise, she'd hurt herself a lot.

"No reason."

He looks at me with his damn blue eyes. He tilts his head slightly, indicating that he doesn't believe a word I'm saying right now.

In addition to that, he also raises his eyebrow. Damn him! He knows I can't say no to that eyebrow or to his incredible eyes for that matter.

I won't get out of telling him, right?

I have to tell him everything. He won't leave me alone until I do.

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