Chapter 40

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"Please wake up!" I cry out, putting my head on Killian's chest and hugging him close to me. And it's in that moment, that I hear it. It's faint, but it's there – his heartbeat. He's definitely alive.

I sigh in relief – a little bit anyway. I still need to get him to wake up. If he doesn't wake up, he might still die. I don't know what kind of magic Cora used on him after all.

It could be fatal. Maybe he'll stay like this forever, seemingly unconscious, but still noticing everything around him, without being able to do anything. The ultimate form of torture.

"Killian. Please wake up. What about our future together?" I say, hoping he hears me at least. Then, he'd wake up for that, right? He'd hear the desperation in my voice and he'd wake up just to put a smile on my face. That's just who he is. "Please." I say through my tears.

It can't end like this. We just found each other. I can't lose him. I can't.

Especially not now.

"Killian, please wake up. Our happy ending is just starting." I flinch a little at the ending part. Why is it called that? Endings aren't happy. They should be called happy beginning instead. That sounds much better. "You can't leave me. I need you. Hope needs you."

It's in that moment, that I begin shaking Killian harder. I realise then, that Killian dying would also mean, Hope will never be born. We might've just saved her and found a way to help her get home, but it will mean nothing, if Killian dies today.

Then Hope will probably just fade from existence. It'll be like she never existed at all. I might not even remember her.

"Please, wake up. We just saved Hope. Don't let that be in vain. I know you can do this. For me and for her. Please."

The tears stream down my cheeks quicker now. I shake Killian stronger. My head falls back down to his chest. I let his warmth comfort me through my breakdown. I inhale his scent and it calms me down a little bit. Enough to clear my thoughts.

I get an idea. Killian isn't waking up even though there seems to be nothing physically wrong with him. That must mean he's like this because of magic. Cora might've cursed him, which means I have the power to save him.

True loves kiss.

I look up at his face and sigh. "Please let this work." I whisper to myself.

Then, I lean in and softly press my lips to his. I kiss him softly for quite a while, but nothing happens. My tears once again flow down my cheeks. I keep my forehead pressed to his like he's my lifeline, until I'm suddenly blinded by something very bright.

I draw back from him in shock, only to find my hands on his chest glowing brightly.

My magic!

I must have tried to use it to save Killian without meaning to. But it is a good idea. For once my magic is actually working in my favour - besides defeating Cora earlier of course. Not being able to control my magic might be a good thing at times after all.

I try to focus now on my hands over his heart. I feel it beat against my palms. Please wake up, Killian. I need you to wake up. Please do this for me.

I think back to our moments earlier - our first kiss, me finding out we're true love, me figuring out that Hope is our precious daughter. We've only been an us for some minutes. I don't want to let him go just now. We deserve to explore what's going on between us.

Suddenly, a hand encloses mine.

"Swan?" I hear Killian say.

My head shoots up to meet his gaze. And there he is, looking at me in concern.

"Killian! You're awake." I say happily, before crashing my lips to his. I laugh into our kiss. "I'm so glad, you're okay."

"What exactly happened? I only remember that witch attacking us and stealing back the bean after you got it back from her."

I recap everything that happened quickly. Then I hit his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For almost dying. I thought I had lost you." I say quietly, while a single tears makes its way down my cheek.

Killian's gaze softens. He sighs. "I'm sorry I scared you, Swan. But I had to get that bean back from Cora. You would've taken the same risk for our baby girl." He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes the tear away with his thumb. "You don't need to worry about me, Swan. I promise, I'm a survivor."

"You better be because I'm not losing you ever again. Not even for a second."

I curl my hand around his, which is still resting on my cheek. I give his palm a light squeeze. He smiles brightly at me, before leaning in and kissing me softly. It's different than our other kisses. It's tender, but no less passionate. I could spend eternity kissing Killian Jones.

It's good to know, that I can now do that as often as I want to.

It's honestly crazy to think, that an hour ago, I didn't even know if Killian and I were friends and now we're so much more. And I'm thinking about running, I'm waiting for that impulse to come, but I don't think it actually is.

And I'm happy about that.

I'm happier than I've been in a long time, actually. That's nice for a change.

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