Chapter 19

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What the hell?! Emma can't possibly have kissed Hook? Right?

I mean she's me. He's Hook. I would never ever kiss Hook. I don't even like him. This just doesn't add up. Why would I ever even consider kissing him? Sure, he isn't too bad looking and we do kind of understand each other, but that doesn't automatically make me want to kiss him. He's one of the most annoying people I know, so kissing him would only lead to him being even worse than he already is with all the teasing and smirking 24/7. I swear if I could, I'd staple that eyebrow of his on his face, so he couldn't raise it every few seconds any more.

There has to be another explanation for the whole kiss problem. One that actually makes sense.

It's probably like I originally assumed. Hook is a crazy person or a liar. So, him believing this kiss happened, doesn't make it true. He thinks it happened since he believes everyone loves him as much as he loves himself. But he's wrong about that. Most people are just annoyed by him – including myself.

There's no way a version of me kissed him. And besides my obvious dislike towards him, Emma being a happily married woman proves this, too. She wouldn't risk what she has with her husband, whom she seems to love a lot, for a kiss from Hook – in the past. She seems to think they're true love after all, so she honestly wouldn't cheat on him – especially not with such an infuriating pirate. The few failed relationships I did have, never involved any cheating on my part either. So, I doubt I would start now that I am in a great one.

So, let's just move on and agree that Hook is insane.

"Oh, Swan, that kiss did most certainly happen. You're just too stubborn to admit it. But one day you will and that's when all the fun begins." He smirks at me and I consider leaving, but I know it won't do me any good. He'll just run after me. And I'd have nowhere else to go except for the loft, which is out of the question for at least another few hours.

So, I order another glass of rum as a staff member passes us, and lean back into the booth, trying to enjoy my evening away from the craziness happening at the loft. I do my best to ignore Hook, but his constant staring sure does make it hard. If I don't control myself, I know I'll punch him soon.

I down another shot of rum, thinking it might distract me enough to ignore Hook for a little, but that's not the case. That's also when I have enough. I turn towards him and snap at him. "What?!"

He raises his eyebrow in surprise at my sudden outburst. And here he is constantly going on about how he can read my every thought since I'm an open book to him. Seems like he was wrong now, doesn't it? One point for me.

"Quit staring at me!" I say angrily.

"I'm just enjoying the view, love." He smirks. I punch his arm lightly, which just makes him chuckle. I know I should've hit him harder. Now he'll just assume it was a friendly little punch.

"That's such a cliché." I reply, trying to distract him. Hook seems to be confused by that, so my plan officially worked. He knew that he probably doesn't know the word. I'm not sure whether it exists in the Enchanted Forest and in addition he's 300 years old or something, so how would he even know? "It's a kind of sentence, that is used very often – to the extent that it's overused – and it sounds creepy because of that." I actually offer him a smile. "Also, I'm not your 'love' so stop calling me that."

"Well, it is the truth, love. And if I'm not allowed to look at you, then how am I supposed to figure out why you're so vexed today?"

Just proves again how much I am not an open book. That time on the beanstalk he must've only gotten lucky. He couldn't actually 'read my mind' then, just like he can't now. Everything he did knew was probably just a guess or Cora spied on us and told him to make him seem trustworthy.

I never completely believed him – only partly since we seem to be a lot alike, bonded by our pasts – when he called me an open book. And I am very relieved that that's right. Not a single person in the world needs to know my business. I've done well on my own since I was a little kid, and that hasn't changed. I don't need anyone in my life. It's great to have Henry, but he's really the only person I'm willing to get vulnerable with. That's a smart choice, right?

Why does Hook want to know what's up with me anyway? Is he still working for Cora? I mean he said that she has her own agenda here and I actually believed him then. My lie detector didn't indicate a lie, which seems to be the case whenever I talk to him. He never seems to lie to me, but that doesn't make sense. He's a pirate and they are supposed to lie. So, what's his deal right now?

He doesn't really care, does he? He's probably just bored or inquisitive.

"As if you actually care about what has me in such a bad mood." I say dryly, trying not to let it show, that this actually scares the crap out of me. Why does he have to seem so trustworthy and nice all the time? It just confused my brain into thinking that he cares about me. But he doesn't. I mean, who could ever care about me? I'm not someone that other people give a crap about. That's how its always been.

Also, I'm always doing my best at being mean to him, so why doesn't he ever leave? Why doesn't he let me push him away? It's always been so easy with everyone else in my life – they even left me without me trying to push them out of my life.

"Maybe I do care." He's almost whispering by now, but I hear every single word crystal clear. The worst thing about this is that it sounds so damn sincere. He's actually serious about this, isn't he? I was prepared for that admission, at least that's what I thought when I teased him. But I wasn't really ready for this. "So, what is it that's bothering you, Swan? Maybe I can help..."

He must have better things to do then sitting here and offering to listen to my problems, right? People don't put me first. Is he doing this because he's got no one either? Or because he actually wants to help me?

Tears build behind my eyelids and I just stare at him with big eyes. I don't know what to say, so I tell myself that sometimes actions speak louder than words. I shift in the booth to sit closer to him. I lean in very slowly to make that kiss he keeps talking about real, but just as our lips are about to touch, I hear the bartender setting down a little bottle of rum on our table.

I pull away very fast, so that I'm almost hitting my head on the wall behind me in the progress. I say "This didn't happen, so never mention it again – not to me nor to anyone else." to Hook before getting out of my seat and leaving the Rabbit Hole. He doesn't follow me this time.

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