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Jeno pouts, throwing a frown in with it too, because he wanted to. He also wanted to take Jaemin to Jeju for his birthday, but Jaemin isn't letting him.

"Why~?" Jeno whines, continuously shaking Jaemin's arm to try to get him to give into his ministrations. "Let me spoil you."

But that's the problem, Jaemin thinks, continuing their walk back home. You spoil me too much.

Jeno... Well, it wasn't like Jeno was poor, but he wasn't rich. Jaemin wouldn't say he was well off either, since Jeno is just average.

Jaemin is average too, which is why he knows how expensive a three day trip to Jeju would be.

Jaemin likes being spoiled, but he didn't like being a sugar baby.

Jeno was Jaemin's boyfriend not sugar daddy, which leads Jaemin to continue to support that they just stay in Seoul and enjoy their time together, like how they did for Jeno's birthday.

But Jeno is annoying and Jeno thinks Jaemin is boring, which is why he's still strongly protesting, a whole fifteen minutes after he first suggested the idea.

"Because. I don't wanna go anywhere special."

Truth be told, anywhere with Jeno is special to Jaemin. Be it the school bathroom or in Jaemin's murky attic, anywhere with Jeno made Jaemin happy. Those moments are even more special now, because soon, Jaemin won't have Jeno to himself anymore.

Soon, those moments won't be as intimate.

"I just—" Jaemin sighs, stopping walking to look at Jeno.

Jeno couldn't decipher what was going on in his eyes.

"I just want to spend time with you hyung. I don't need anything fancy, but I appreciate the thought a lot." Jaemin explains, keeping his voice monotone, and Jeno truly couldn't tell what Jaemin was feeling at the moment.

Jeno also wonders why the younger was talking so robotically, if he was okay or not.

But before anything; he'd have to address what Jaemin had just said.

"No! I'm taking you away because this birthday is a special one, and you don't get a say Nana!"

Jaemin remembers when he was grossly in love with Jeno and so pliant to do absolutely anything he desired.

Jaemin wonders where those times have went, and why Jeno was so persistent about this.

"What's so special about Jeju?" Jaemin asks, expecting an answer from the male who throws an arm around his shoulders.

"Everything!" Jeno yells, looking at Jaemin like he hadn't seen the light of life if he didn't know how special Jeju was. "It'll be even more special with you!"

Sometimes, Jeno hypes things up too much, like right now.

"And you wanna go there for my birthday?"

Jeno nods affirmative.

Jaemin doesn't see why they can't simply spend his birthday here, but he also thinks that Jeno has thought about this a lot, considering how it was the beginning of June and Jeno was thinking about his birthday in August.

"Alright hyung," Jaemin smiles, kissing the elder's cheek. "You can take me."

"I don't wanna go to Seoul for my birthday. I like Jeju."

"You haven't left Jeju in years," Mark sighs, folding his t-shirt before putting it into his drawer. "You need to explore."

Donghyuck would have liked to say that Mark could explore his ass, but the elder doesn't like him cursing.

"I can do that later in life," Donghyuck says instead, waving off the topic before Mark can continue.

Mark doesn't seem to get the memo.

"Donghyuck-ah~" He continues to whine, now pouting at Donghyuck because he knows Donghyuck can't resist when he does that. "Let me take you somewhere."

Truth be told, Donghyuck is awkward. Donghyuck doesn't know how to repay Mark if he were to take him on a trip to Seoul for his birthday. Plane tickets are expensive, Donghyuck wasn't allowed to drive and Mark didn't have his license.

"Mark hyung—"

"Won't you let me spoil you, baby?" Mark asks, and there's a such a little hint of teasing in his tone that it has Donghyuck almost, almost keening, but he keeps it together and defeatedly looks at Mark, letting himself frown before leaning into the older male.

"I can't repay you," he admits honestly, enjoying the way Mark throws an arm around him.

Donghyuck won't ever admit it, but he loves Mark treating him like the most fragile person in the world, because Donghyuck was the kind of person who needed and deserved a lot of kisses and cuddles, needed and deserved endless love.

Something he won't be able to provide for Donghyuck once he meets his second soulmate.

"You don't have to— Is that why you're hesitating?" The elder boy asks, picking Donghyuck's head up with both his hands, bringing his eyes to eye level.

Donghyuck chews on his bottom lip and Mark gets his answer.

"You're so cute, you don't need to repay me," Mark sighs, smiling cutely and then kissing Donghyuck's nose. "Please let me take you out. You deserve it and I want you to have fun on your special day."

Donghyuck feels his heart clench painfully in his chest, probably reacting a bit too much at his boyfriend's sweet words.

Mark always knew what to say, always knew how to brighten the mood and make him happy.

Maybe even convinced him to go to Seoul for his birthday.

"What do you say?" Mark pesters, nuzzling his nose with Donghyuck's in a disgusting couple's act.

Maybe Donghyuck was thinking too much about how soon, Mark wouldn't be only his anymore.

Maybe he was thinking too much about how Mark would find another person to love.

Maybe he was thinking about how he wouldn't be able to spend as much time as he does now with Mark, when the third addition into their relationship is present.

Donghyuck's been thinking too much, he knows that.

Mark knows that too, he knows his soulmate like the back of his hand.

So for now, Mark knows Donghyuck will nod, which he does, because for now, Donghyuck will stop thinking, and enjoy Mark being only his for the last few days.

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