Dinner Time Already

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I sighed. My hot breath fogging up part of where my nose was position on the window. Out of boredom from the long trip to our new home, I drew a small frownie face before plopping my back back to the seat cushions. My actions haven't gone unnoticed by my mom and so she reassures, "(Y/N) dear, it's a very nice and quiet neighborhood! I heard their high school is the best out of the whole entire state!" Groaning in annoyance, I snap back, "That's what you told me in each and every time we move to another country, state, or-or city mom!"

After noticing how I was leaning towards her with my clenched teeth and knitted eyebrows, I slam myself back to the seat. I hear her sigh out in frustration, but she didn't protest. Just kept driving.

After a few more minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence in the car, I felt the car slowly halt before I watch her hands grip the stick; pulling it down to park behind the garage door. She takes a long breath of the air that she'll be getting used to after closing the door. I follow in suit, but not the breathing part. I thought it's just normal oxygen with whatever elements that liters the air.

"The movers will be here in a hour, so how about we go pick up some ice cream—," but I didn't hear anything else when she noticed I werentasn't comprehending with anything. With my back turned, she must've got the situation just to make her stop. Stop with her sugarcoating and "everything-is-going-to-be-fine" thing.

I settle, we move. I settle, we move, I settle, we move...

It was silent, except the natural noises of dogs barking, cars passing by and humans interacting. "(Y/N)... Look at this. I promise you that this is the last time we'll be moving..." Perking my ears at her words, since this is the first time she said those words in my whole entire life, I made sure, "Really?" She smiles widely while her brown eyes twinkle.

"Ha! How about we greet our everyday neighbors?" A smile dances on my lips while we walk off to the house next to us. I tuck my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. When we stop in front of the door, I didn't take my eyes off the door when mom knocks a few times. After a few seconds, the door opens, having a young boy standing there. When we both meet eyes, my (E/C) orbs meeting his warm chocolate brown ones, I felt something good is going to happen to me after mom told me that this will be the last time we move.

"Y-yes?" I hear him questionably stuttered. Mom introduces herself and me, me waving my hand with a hearty smile, and how we're next door. The boy introduces himself, his name Morty, and his mother, Beth who let us enter to settle in the living room. When both me and my mom sat down, Beth brought her whole family. Her husband, Jerry, her father, Rick, and her daughter, Summer.

It was a greeting party. Normal and something we've done before... but it didn't felt that normal... Learning Morty was the same age as me, I compare Beth and mom. She looked younger than mine! Almost like she's in her twenties instead of thirties. And when I look at Rick, he would always be entering the room a lot before he disappears. Alright normal, I guess, but he's holding a flask which I can assume holds alcohol since he looks and sounds like he's been drinking with drool hanging freely on his lips...

While a few minutes of me staying silent at the adult conversation, I hear Beth's sweet voice pull me out of trance, "(Y/N)! How about you go upstairs and get to know Morty?" I oohed while Morty stutters a what. I see him nervously sweats, making me pity him at what I can assume from the beginning: Anxiety problems.

Without warning, I grabbed his hand, making him flinch and look down at the physical contact before looking up, and hoisting him off the couch. Smiling to show my hospitality and encouragement, I chirped, "A small tour to your room?" He nervously chuckles and then leads me upstairs, grasping my hand a little tighter.

He closes the door and lets out a huff of air I can assume he's been holding for awhile. "W-well... th-this is m-mmy room!" Normal. A lot more comfortable than downstairs! After hearing him mumbling, "Make yourself at home..." I walk over to his bed, but then I was stop by his hand grasping my arm and holding me back.

I look to see his eyes glossy while he nibble his lip. "H-How about t-taking the ch-ch-chair?" I oblige without question, or maybe I don't want to question something in a boy's room.

"Wow!" I exclaimed after a conversation between our lives, but I'm more awed at Morty's adventures with his grandpa Rick! Hah! He's a cute guy with a wild imagination full of fantasies I can dream of. "Maybe you can take me there!" I laughed at my joke while Morty slightly chuckles.

"So! We're in the same grade. Right? That means I don't get to be lonely on my first day!" Morty stares at me with an unsure gaze. "S-so? Wh-what dd-do you me-mean by that? Like-like of course s-ince we-we know each-ch-other." Not really getting what he means, especially when his stuttering gets in the way, I questioned, "What do you mean? It won't be because we know each other..."

He stops fumbling the bed sheets and raises his head a little up, tilting it in the process. "You're my first and only friend Morty! Ever since what my mom told me and when I first saw you today, I knew that something good will happen between you and me. And that is friendship." I've been smiling stupidly after my confession and I've been looking down to hide it. But I was curious of what his expression would look like. Maybe he might find me a little weird that I'm like this, but I didn't care, so I look at him to see the results.

I wasn't expecting it. I watch his soft brown eyes turn red as tears spill out. Panicking, I rush towards him while quickly questioning, "Morty! Are you alright? Did I said something wrong? I mean, I don't think I did because it all sounds so cheesy and stupid...!!"

"A-ah! I d-don't think it's st-stupid. You... are mostly my first f-friend to-t-too." Looking down at how vulnerable he is and how he just broke down so easily just from friending him, it just made me wonder what this boy must've been through and how his life must've not been easy outside of his room...

Morty calms, after awhile of rubbing his back in a circular motion as he rests his head on your stomach, before Beth's voice can be heard downstairs. "Oh-oh geez! It's d-dinner t-time already??"

First chapter done. You think it's good? Need fixing? I don't care, fix it away for me to edit, but that's why I'm here posting. So, you're a girl, or you can try to pretend to make things all Xmale, and you don't actually say curse words. Lol. Morty is still a stuttering (Rick): BIITCH! I promise you'll be seeing your Evil Prince Charming later.

Alrighty! See you readers later!

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