Never Going To See Him Again

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While the Morty at the left clenched his teeth while looking like he just got out of the waters, the Morty at the right slightly smiled, confidence clearly, but he knitted his eyebrows. "I did told you about me, so I'm not wasting my breath to ask questions."

The Morty at the right place both of his hands on his hips. "Y-your favorite color is-is blue a-and your birthday is on J-June 15!" The Morty at the left had been fumbling over his words with things that wasn't what the Morty at the right said. And when Morty at the right said the last thing I've told him yesterday, "And I-I remember yo-you said you killed your pet bird..." I ran up to him and hug the Morty I know. "Oh Morty! How I miss you so much! Let's hurry and get out of here!"

When I raised my arm with the wristwatch up, the Morty at the left stood there shocked while yelling, "(Y/N)! I'm Morty!! I'm th-the real one!!" As he continued to blabber, I pointed the wrist towards the Morty at the left. "Oh shut up Morty. You already know some of the things about me aren't true..." Looking at the Morty beside me, I quickly shot him, anywhere since I've been eyeing Morty at the left! "Ooh! Oh-oh jeez!! Oh my god! (Y/N)! What did you just do!!?" Ignoring him after grabbing and balancing Rick on his legs, I mumbled, audibly, "I killed the right Morty. What. You wanted to die?"

"Rick! The portal gun!" "I know know! Can't you see grandpa here is bleeding to death!? Don't have to shout at me!" As we pass by a couple of Rick corpses, he swings his arm down to swipe up a portal gun that had been lying there for you knows how long this Rick been dead. "D-did you just stole Rick's portal g-gun? Where's yours?" After he shoots a portal at the wall and carefully pull the injured Rick through, the portal shut into nothing and here we are in the middle of the closed garage. "Okay Morty. You just said "Rick's portal gun" and that already clears things up. But also because I kinda lost it. But th-that doesn't matter Morty. Because g-grandpa's bleeding..."

"O-oh god Rick! What should we do! What sh-should we do!?" Rick points his finger towards the boxes on the shelves. "S-see that M-M-Morty? Go find an aid-kit and find a-a plastic like wrap—pad there—Oooh... I feel like shit..." Morty quickly rummage throw the few boxes until he held up a small rectangular shape item wrapped inside a plastic bag. He didn't take a second to either question what it does before taking the wrapper off and holding up the pad like thing towards Rick. "Wh-what now? What is this? What will happen to you!?" "Morty! J-just put the damn thing around my waist, but also cover the wound!!"

After he wrapped the pad on Rick, the thing sticks on like glue and then inflated like a balloon. Taking a longer look at it, seeing how it look like I've seen this invention before, I questioned, "It looked like you got that out of a movie..." Rick scoffs and cross his arms. "Oh! Wow! Reeeally? I think it's from 'Goldsmen' or-or 'King Egg' or whatever! Dumb movie, but I got bored and just thought about making things off movies. I-I can make a BB-fucking-8 if I wanna! But I upgraded them to make it better than those movies! This pad or wrap or whatever can demolish any severe contamination I added into that wristwatch and grow back any missing organ, bone, or tissue! See what Rick can do?? You just wish I was your grandpa!" I rolled my eyes and thought about leaving Rick doing whatever he wants since I know he'll live...

"So-so you're not going to d-die?" I muffled a giggle when Rick groans and facepalms. "No Morty! Ha-have you not been listening?? Just go masterbate in Summer's room!" Morty stared at Rick before looking back at me and shrugging his shoulders. We both exit out of the garage to stop and slouch down into the living room's couch. Yeee. We only sat there. None of us twitching our fingers to attempt and find the remote or get our devices. We just sat still and quiet. It could be because of what happened back at the president's? Um duh!! "Morty. What's on your mind?" I shift into a comfortable spot and look over at Morty.

He was knitting his eyebrows with his hands rubbing his temples. "A-a lot of things (Y/N). Everyday, but today became to-too extreme. I almost admitted my—I-I mean I almost thought I was going to die! Well, what else did I expected when it comes to two Mortys. But I'm glad I trusted my mind? G-guts? He-h-heart? I already knew what's your real birth date, real favorite color, and all... Y-you don't h-have a crush on an-anyone... do you?" I look around anywhere but his eyes while kicking my legs like a careless child. "Maybe? Maybe not," I chuckled before crawling towards Morty and pulling his cheeks. "Waaat? You jealous or something?" Morty groans and rubs his reddish cheeks. "Hahah. I see you blushing!" "I-I-I'm not b-blushing!!" See! This is totally my Morty! Not the evil fake one! And I know I am never going to see him again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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