"Wow! You look pretty!" Blushing at the simple comment, I avert my head away for awhile until I found my calm. "Thank you Mr. President. So, why did you bring us here?" His eyebrow twitched. "Are we all focused on leaving? Well. I wouldn't be s-surprise since you came here unexpectedly. H-hah! Expect the unexpected. Of course one of th-the reasons why is because your the ones who destroyed the Council of Ricks—." "W-UUUGH-wortth it!" "R-Rick!" President Morty continues, "But you made the Citadel stronger and more safer from the Galactic Federation and from all the other galaxies in this universe! Th-that's why I'm inviting you over to dinner and to spend the night in the presidents!" Looking over what the Rick and Morty chefs brought over, I didn't notice drool was dripping off my lips, until Morty pointed it out.
"Sounds like a lot of adventures Rick and Mortys. But why does it sound like it's only a duo in-instead of a trio," President Morty question while cocking his head towards me. Morty couldn't answer, but we have the smartest Rick and the Rickest Rick with us. "Who? (Y/N) Morty? It's because she's always on her d-damn period every time we go. The same rea-reason why don't bring Summer—ERRGH!" Oh wow Rick. I'm so happy to have you on my side. "Hahaha! Ya! C-can't bring h-her or it'll l-look like some p-purge!" Just go with the flooow. "Oh Morty! Stop it," I gritted through my smile while punching him playfully! Morty mumbles an 'oww'.
"That must eh-explain her natural b-beauty and maturity. Sh-she must be precious to you. Rick. Morty. Eh-ever thought of... somebody taking her off your h-hands?" Widening my eyes at the unexpected question Mr. President asked, I look at Morty. But the only person that's in control of both me and Morty is Rick. I see the corner of his lips twitch while his pupils dilated in whatever emotion he has right now. I can't explain it because this old man is unpredictable... "Hah! Um. Of course I don't care!" Clutching the skirt's fabric of the white dress, I look down to avoid Rick. I just can't believe him. I can't. But I also can't believe Morty has to live everyday with him. Mr. President hums before saying in an unusual and familiar monotone, "That's right. Ricks don't care about their Mortys..."
Staring at the president, I shake off what I was thinking and go back eating a bit more. No (Y/N). He's just a good president. A Morty. A normal Morty... a Normie. Heh, lol. No one responded to what the president said. Especially my Morty. Must've been hard to be a Morty I guess. Looking around at the suited Ricks, I blurted our, "Where's yours?" The glass full of red liquid he had been swirling for awhile, stop and he set it down on the table. "A-ah... jee. W-well. Me and my Rick have been all everywhere. It went to countless that I've forgotten when the day he left me or I-I left him..." Mr. President smile. "But nothing to worry about. How about your Rick?"
Thinking up something. Anything, I looked at Rick and Morty. When Rick was about to answer for me, I thought I had enough of him already! Slamming the table to get Rick's attention, and maybe the other Ricks' attention, he zips his mouth and knew I'm talking. "I can say the same thing. It was almost like exploring the whole world, and still we never settle. Until now," I smiled while looking back at my asshole Rick and my best friend Morty. Looking back at the president, he nods his head while responding with a smile. "I see... wow. Would y-you look outside? It's night. I bet you're a-all exhausted." Looking over at the suited Ricks, he swing his hand before the Ricks nodded and walked us out. "I-I expect to see y-you all in the m-mornin!" Mr. President yelled before the large doors shut.
Seeing I'm being separated by Rick and Morty yet again, I protested, "Why can't I sleep with them." The suited Rick didn't stop walking me towards my room, but he at least answered. "President's o-order." Sighing, I reluctantly let him leave me after closing the door. I grimace at the folded neat pile of shirt and pants on the bed. "Who places these here? Do they think just because I'm a girl I can't find my own clothes?" Throwing the pile to the floor, I walked towards the drawers to get my own pair of sleepwear pants and shirt. Both of them striped (F/C).

My Morty ( Evil Morty X Reader )
AcţiuneFriending your next door neighbor. They're... alright, but there's more than that. You don't know the Smiths or anyone else in the whole universe. Who knows how your life will go when there are just more than one Morty. Guys, first book and I'm welc...