Nooo Waaay

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"Rick!" Morty and I yelled. We were about to run and hug the old asshole we miss for only a few minutes, but Ricks held us back and dragged us towards a black limo that was outside the small jailhouse. "Hey! Take your filthy, old hands off me!" But I was already thrown inside the vehicle. At least I'm not separated from Rick and Morty. "What do you think the president want with us?" I question the only two who are experts and more cooperative. "R-Rick?" Rick groans while slamming his back to the seat. "Jee Morty. J-Just because I'm the smartest man in the whole universe and the Rickest! Here! Doesn't mean I have all answers. But a president system? I wonder what kind of idiotic Rick is laying his lazy bum on the seat."

When the limo halts to a soft stop, which is one of my favorites of a hover vehicle, the suited Ricks opens the doors for us. And again, the large building decorated in nice colors of hues and architectural structure built around it never stops me to keep awing. But that moment didn't last long when the Ricks pushed us to keep moving forward. They open the double doors to reveal a large hall full of gold and silver I would find in those cover magazines of a castle.

"So when are we meeting the little shit that will be f-fucking us?" Later on, a couple of weird looking Ricks, not dressed up in those uniforms, came out and took me by the arms. "Hey!" "Let g-go of h-h-her!" Morty was going to do something, but with Ricks holding him back, his attempts are useless. "Nothing won't happen to her. I was assigned to have her dress for impression. Same will go for you two." After he said 'dress', all three of us look at each other.

"I can't believe this. I'm Hairdresser Rick. Not a Dresser. But I can't let Mr. President get mad," he mumbled after closing the door to a very large room. A king size bed with curtains, a sofa, TV, large windows. "Wh-where am I? Who's room are we in?" Looking at the Rick with a very cool hairstyle, he came back with something folded and sparkling white in his hands. "It's none of mine or your concern. But I think this is yours." Perking my ears, I made sure, "Mine? So like he thought we're staying over here or what?"

It looked as if he thought I've been talking too much, so he ignored me throughout going through some drawers before shoving the folded clothing towards me with... some woman garments... "Do whatever in the bathroom. I don't care—Oh! Scrub your scalp with the shampoo and then conditioner! I just can't handle people with flakes in their hair!" Rick yelled before closing the door behind him. Well, I thought that was too random for me to hear from Rick... from a Rick...

Making sure I lock the door to this room, I run to the bathroom before closing and locking the door. Sighing, I look at myself in the large bathroom mirror. I look like a mess. Did my hair morphed into a nest? Maybe that's the reason why the Rick earlier was staring at me weirdly the whole day. Following the Rick's instructions, or that's just how I shower, I dry off my whole self before taking out what the Rick from earlier picked out.

"A... d-dress!??" Not only just a dress, but a damn white one! Why can't it be black or whatever!? Well, at least it's frilly and not those dresses Summer has that shows your curves. Like come on, I'm only 14. Coming out fully clothed, and a towel wrapped around my damp hair, I jumped at the sound of sudden knocking. Taking a quick glimpse to see the sun almost disappearing, making me worried that I haven't been contacting mom for awhile, I ran and open to find the Rick from earlier.

"Really?" He groans. I tilt my head to the side, but I didn't get to speak when he pulls the towel off after pushing me to a mirror desk and setting me down on a stool. He dries my hair roughly with the towel, almost making me protest since I find this weird from a Rick doing this... but I found this action soothing... it almost reminds me when dad would do this when I was little...

He brushes my (h/l) hair after plugging in some curling iron. After half a hour pass by with me thinking about dad, he grunts, "done," and then pulls up a small mirror to show the back of my head. My hair was all curly in the end. He did two braids and then hook them together at the back, pinned by some small white bow; leaving out a very curly ponytail. "W-wow... I never knew I could... look this pretty... Thank you Rick!" I saw him do a small smile before his face went neutral. "I have to go and style the others." When he left after what he said, I was going to stop him and help me what to do next, but he already left through the doors.

"By others he meant... my Morty and Rick!" Knowing I have a bit of freedom for awhile, I was thinking of sneaking out and finding them. I ran towards the doors, tripping over something. I look back to find white 3in heels laying carelessly on the ground. Well, I can't go out there barefooted... and I totally can't go searching with heels killing me! I just hold onto the heels while peeking through my doors.

"Miss! Your ready!" The suited Rick I wasn't expecting chirped. I groan in disappointment. "When can I see Rick and Morty? C-137?" Suited Rick jerked his head back, motioning me to follow behind. I did as I was told, after grunting with painful heels on, and was followed to what I can believe is the dining room. Suited Ricks stood by the closed curtain windows. Two people sitting in the dinning tables are a Rick and Morty... "Morty!" I yelled with open arms. Morty smiled after getting up and hugging me back. "(Y/N)! I thought we wouldn't see you again!" Behind me, I hear Rick burps after taking a swig of his alcohol. "Oh yaaa (Y/N), you're no-UGGH-not de-dead!" Shaking my head, I just hug him anyway for being his old self. He shoved me off and crosses his arms. But his small smile didn't go unnoticed.

"Wo-wow! (Y/N)! Y-you l-l-look nice t-today!" I see his cheeks redden. "You too Morty," I complimented back after seeing him in a nice suit with a yellow tie. Looking back at Rick, I still see him in his regular scientist attire. Rick must've read my mind and said, "I-I thre-UUGH-tthhreaten him to b-back the fffuck off!" "Well, at least you're the only thing that makes me feel home," I reassured myself.

"Everyone feel at home?" Hearing another Morty's voice, I turn to have my mouth agape at the sight of a Morty! A president Morty! He smiles while fixing his blood red tie before sitting down. "Nooo waaay—ERRGP!"

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