Is That A Bruise

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The sound of mechanics and circuits blew somewhere and then everything around me flicker a bit before my world in front of me collapsed... literally. The familiar voice behind me made his appearance behind the fake Morty.

"Rick!" He knitted his unibrow while pointing his wrist towards fake Morty, making me question, not until he presses something on the watch. Fake Morty's head exploded into bits! "OOH MY GLOB!!!"

"Oh st-UUGH-sttop screaming like a b-bitch! It's n-nnot M-M-Moorty!" In the corner of my eye, I see Morty—The REAL Morty running towards me. "(Y/N)! Why a-are you here?" He takes me by the hand, making me remember what happened, but I rather forget and reluctantly let him do what he wants.

I was half way up on my legs until I was suddenly released with a Morty yelping in pain or whatever. Looking up to see what's the problem, I see his whole face red and his eyes avert after staring a second down at me. Oh poop. Looking at myself, I was only wearing a plain shirt with only underwear... My sleepwear!

I hear Rick laughing hard while elbowing the red boy that has his back turned on me. "Morty! Morty! Th-this is your cha-chAUUGH-nce to get laaaaidd!" "Sh-shutup R-R-Rick!! Just!! Ju-just give m-me your damn c-coat! Rick!" The man kept laughing, but he obeyed and threw the coat away to Morty.

He shoves the coat, mumbling sorry while looking away. As they both walked away to get out of the large room we are in, I've been smiling to myself while buttoning the oversized coat. How considerate of him. Oh! How he saved me from that faker! Who was he anyway!

After feeling satisfy with my insecurities, I walk over to the headless Morty laying lifelessly on the rotting plank floors. Wow! I just wonder what kind of weapon Rick used that was so powerful to blow a head up... But that doesn't matter. What does is that the Morty in front of me wasn't human, like what Rick reassured. Once circulated wires hissing out sparks from, what I'm gonna call it, the robot's neck.

Looking around once more to see my surroundings just turned from my hometown into some dumpy large room, from what I can assume is a dumpy and abounded house, made me shudder in eerie terror. Then it also hits me. Someone last night kidnapped me in my sleep in my... sleepwear...

"Rick! What's happening. What happened. Where is this and how did you know!! H-how did you'd found me! I-I-I was t-terrified!" I was choking my words. Salty teas make their way into my mouth and then some dripped down to stain my clothing. "Morty! That faker was so close to me! He was scary and then it all started when I was kidnapped... D-does mom know about my disappearance!??? Why me!!!???" I shut up when warm arms suddenly wrap around me.

I feel safe when he hushes sweet nothings while petting my hair. "(Y/N). Eh-everything is going to be a-alright. You're s-safe with us." "M-more like safe with you-UUGG," Rick burped and then Morty yells, "Shut up Rick! J-just get us home!" I watch his grandpa roll his eyes while grunting in agreement.

We all walked out of the building and in front of us was a spacecraft. A-a UFO?? Looking at awe while wondering what kind of alien-y stuff could be in there, my eyes widen, having Morty catch that. "I don't th-think you w-want to expecting an-anything," he chuckles nervously. And when he opens the door, I was humming in somewhat disappointment.

"Rick is a very big alcoholic..." I hear him grunt in his seat. "And that's the w-waaaaay it gooes!" Pressing a few buttons and then holding onto the steering wheel, the engine purrs and then up goes the flying vehicle. I was sitting in the back, but Morty offered me his seat, which I've been declining until he wins. As I settle, I didn't notice that we were already in the middle of, "Space? S-space!? We are in—," "Ok. Ok. Ya. Woopie it's space. We-we get it." Rick interrupts, but I didn't care what the butthole says.

When it felt like we are now in the middle of the galaxy, the spacecraft stop dead. "Ask away," I hear Rick carelessly sounded. And without hesitation, I quickly asked what has been whirling in my mind, "Who the kriff are you..."


"That's not what I—," "Ya, ya. I also would've said a old man that has been through s-some SHITTY HELL, but I-I guess I... w-we have to be h-honest wi-UGGH-with you." When he emphasized 'we', I averted my attention to Morty, who doesn't look nervous at all. "Morty! How can you be so calm at this situation?" "(Y/N). I-I already told y-you this. Remember?"

"You don't mean that... all those stories are true?"

"M-Morty! You bitch! You told her already about our a-a-adventures!??"

"Okay everybody! Let's shut the heck up and settle with another question! What the heck happened down there?? What was that I was in or whatever?? And who was that... fake Morty..." Morty stayed quiet as the same goes for Rick. But the silence didn't go on too long.

"You were inside a simulation. From its shitty coding and whatever, I can confirm that the technology was stolen from dick aliens that are now deceased."

"What happen to them?"

"Doesn't matter kid, but what does is that I know a damn Rick would never steal something so shitty and made by a dump, unless they feel like it, which I know they would never. A Morty would fit perfectly, but which. Especially when he replace himself with a robot."

The spacecraft went silent just like space itself. Well, I'm reasonable quiet since I don't know what the heck is going on. And so it was left to whatever they're thinking. Maybe who the culprit was? Give me the name so I can beat the crap out of them for messing with me.

"Ri-Rick!" Morty suddenly talking made us jump. "M-Morty! I h-have an old h-heart you shh-shithead!"

"Rick! You don't think that there are such Mortys as an Evil Morty... is there?" Ricksss, Mortysss... Alternate versions of Rick and Morty? An Evil Morty? So I met an Evil Morty...

"You stupid mortal girl. You know nothing about your friend Morty or the whole Smiths family..."

"O-oh jeez! (Y/N), is that ah-a bruise on your chin?"

Lmao. Who else wears just a shirt and underwear? No? Okay fine by me. And damn Rick! Can't you see Morty isn't like that... oh wait. He is a pervert. But I guess not to the readers, you... or me heheheh. What do you think?

Alrighty! See you readers later!

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