The President Wants You

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"Okay (Y/N), I'm taking you with me."

And after he said that as soon as I woke up at such an unexpected time, I was grumpier than Morty when he was dragged out of bed. I guess he's used to this routine. Well I'm not and Rick should consider some people for their sake!

"In this??" I pointed Summer's pajamas. "Then go get yourself some clothes next door." "Rick! If my mom wasn't working, then I wouldn't be complaining about this attire!" The scientist raises his arms in defense while backing away. "Jeez. No need to yell. Y-you know my ears are sensitive at this age." And after that, he disappeared.

I would've suggest asking Summer, but I thought they were a little too big and... show skin... But I don't think she would like to have people borrow her clothes. So I didn't bother the girl. Morrrty? "Here. Wear this." I was thrown a pair of pants and a yellow shirt. "Wh-what the? Doesn't he have other shirts or something else?" "Doesn't his everyday attire explain that for you? But don't question anything in this world. You know why? Could be because we were created. Drawn out from scratch. The creators thought that they can make a character out of this world. And all this shit. And then make it into some stupid show. We could be in-in a TV show while they're fucking your mom—Know what! Just where the damn clothes I gave you!"

Looking into the bathroom mirror, I just thought I didn't look too bad in a yellow shirt with some blue jeans. Guess have to get more colored shirts. "Done," I mumble while showing myself in front of him and Morty. "Oh jeez, Rick! You're l-letting (Y/N) use m-my clothes??" "What, is there a problem with that? Did you masterbate in those pants? Shirt?" Feeling cringe-y, I tug on the collar in disgust. "N-no! I do—I don't do it!! I never masterbate!" Rick hums with a deadpanned face while taking out his portal gun and shooting a green, swirling and sci-fi portal on the wall. "Sure Morty. Suuure."

Wait! Remember about Rick's portal gun! "Hey! Why didn't we use the portal gun to portal inside my house!?? Then I wouldn't be wearing Morty's clothes!" Morty and I yelped when Rick grabbed both of us and shove us through the portal while yelling, "No time and a waste of juice!"

As we both land on the uncomfortable concrete ground, I look up, blowing my hair out of the way, to find tall and large buildings that reaches all the way where I can't keep count, some buildings being rebuilt by Ricksss, hovering cars, taxis—well all that "Back to the Future" crap. "Why are we here Rick? And plus, do you think the Ricks and Mortys here hate us? I-I mean you guys?" When his foot got pulled out of the portal, he takes out a flask and pops up the cap. "Well we are here to mostly talk the situation with the Councils of Ricks—Oh! Wait! I blew them up!!" Just after he yelled that, the Ricks and Mortys around us stared and mumble some uncertainty and worries. Maybe some of them might be calling 911! "Rick! Thanks for m-making a scene and th-then having (Y/N) part of th-this!!"

A second didn't pass by and the cops were already surrounding us. "Yoou're welcome," Rick burps while putting his hands up from the guns pointing towards them, but mostly Rick. Some of the officer Ricks weren't certain whether they should worry about me or not. "Oh! Sh-she's with me!" "RICK!!!" This FUCKING ASSHOLE! Dang it, I promise my mom not to curse. Welp, that felt great. "C-137, the Rick and Mortys who violated and blew up the whole government system, forcing us to reconstruction, it is up for the court to decide whether your guilty or not. But I think it's clear that you should be sentence to death," the officer standing out of the other officers yelled out. "S-sentence to death!!?" Morty and I panicked aloud! "You have the right to remain silence!" One of the officer Ricks silenced both of us while cuffing our hands with some weird heavy and complex mechanicals. Then, they put all three of us in the back of the car. "Sir, the media is here." "No shit Sherlock! Just let them be. I guess they all should be warned that we have terrorists on ground."

After passing by some Ricks and Mortys, we were thrown into the jail room. Ricks and Mortys separated, so that means both of our panic meters risen to its climax without the safety of a smart scientist beside us, but we didn't lose our sane since we have at least each other since I was consider a "Morty". "O-oh jeez! I never thought your f-first adventure we-w-would be like this (Y/N)! And when R-Rick threw us and himself under the b-bus!" Putting my hands on his shoulders, he stops hyperventilating and looks up to find me surprisingly smile. "It's alright Morty! Everything's going to be fine! At least it's somewhere other than Earth! Hah, right? Plus, I've been wanting to tell you something..."

"(Y/N)... there i-is something I've b-b-been wanting t-to tell you t-t-too!" Looking at him in the eyes, I offered him to go first, but instead he wanted me to go first. "Hahah! H-how about we say i-it together?," Morty suggested. Taking a deep shaky breath, we both started:

"I-I like you!"

"We need to get to know each other more better—Wait! What?"

"Uum. I a-also wanted to know m-m-more about y-you too!!" I thought I heard him said something else, but I shrugged and continued. "It was just that... last night I had a dream—A-a nightmare!" I felt his shoulders stop shaking and his brown eyes are now on me. "Morty! I don't want to lose you to not only some evil version of you, but to other Mortys! So! Seeing that it's just only me here, an/a (Y/N) here or whatever, I need to let you know some things about me..." Taking a deep breath, thinking that after giving out some of "my information" this plan will work!

"My birthday is June 15. My favorite color is blue. Lucky number is 4. I killed my pet bird—." Morty interrupted, "Y-you what?" "Morty! Let me continue! Plus, I was only young or whatever! Okay. And lastly I still have a crush on a cute Asian boy name Jeffrey!" Seeing his expression changed at the last part, I was about to question what's wrong, but then the doors open and a Rick in a black suit with black shades and an earpiece came in. "C-137s. The president wants you."

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