Frozen Again

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"Really and we are supposed to believe your story?" said Princess Anna  "Look in a way I am responsible for this mess, but not by will, by force." replied Pince Jack  "Do listen to his words.  The prince is innocent." said Alex one of the other prisoner as he stood by him.

"Oh, really?' replied the princess.  "Yes really.  His Uncle has forced him to do these things.  "Prince Jack now that you free us, we'll help you rescue your father, the king.  Just promise me if I help you I won't end up back in this cave." " said Alex ignoring the princess who was pretty much getting on his nerves.

"If you help me save my father, I promised your family and you will never go in need again. I will make sure the kingdom hears about your deed and bravery." replied the young lad.

Meanwhile, Princess Anna was still to get close enough to Jack, with her fist ready to go, but Christoff continued to block her, then moving her away.

"With all due respect, Princess do calm down.  Jack here is one of the good guys," said Lucas the other prisoner.

"To be honest, that's all his problem.  I'm worried about my sister.  My town will be attacked by people from your kingdom who believe she's behind all this mischief.  So everyone says you are one of the good ones, alright then.  What do you plan to do about it?" said Princess Anna

"I promise I'll help your sister and make things right.  But we must first find my father.  Once his safe, I'll defrost everything.  ..Hey, wait a minute.  Why would they blame your sister?" Jack as with wonders.

"Look, Prince Joseph, Jack Frost wants to be.  You aren't the only one with those freezing abilities. Your Uncle, yes I said you Uncle has the towns around this area believing that my poor sister is responsible.  So, where can we find you uncle?" she replied

"Wait, wait, wait!  Are you telling me that I'm not the only one with these powers? All this time I was believing that I was kind of freak.  Why hasn't anyone told about this girl?  Princess Anna how old his your magical sister?"  

"Look, prince, when you fix this mess, I'll tell you her age. Now what's your plan?" she asked then she quickly gripped his hair and pulled it hard.

Christoff and Olaf shook their hands yes.

"That's enough!  Princess let go of his hair.  We're wasting time here.  Let's get going." said Christoff as he gripped the princess hand hard enough to make her release the prince's hair.

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