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"Don't worry no one is dying here today nor tomorrow. Hey watch out move out the way!" said Mr. Scott   Out of nowhere appear a giant yeti who was about twenty feet tall.  They were four of them and each one took a step on each to the watchtowers.   

"What is that?"  asked Anthony one of the town man.  "That's one of the Queen Elsa friends, With them on our side, no one is climbing that ice wall.  There's no need to to be afraid, they're on our side, remember that.    Now everyone is in their  right place."  said Mr. Scott  

The four Yeti walk around the ice fence.  As they walk around the Ice fence began to get higher and thicker.  Everyone took a watch spot. Once everyone was in their place,  Mr. Scott went back to the castle.

Meanwhile back at the castle.   "Elsa, Elsa what's going on.  Are we really going to be attacked?" asked Princess Anna   "I don't know.  I don't understand why anyone will blame me.  I"m a little confuse and afraid."  explained Queen Elsa

"Is there anything I can do to help?  I know, I can get Christoff to help. He knows a lot about ice, maybe he can find out who's freezing the towns. He knows all these parts, I'm sure he won't mind." said Princess Anna   "Anna, that's a good idea, while my man watched the border, Christoff, and his friends can go looking for the person responsible.   Promise me you'll be careful if this person or thing's powers are as strong as mine,  he's dangerous." said Queen Elsa   

"Don't worry, I'll be fine.  Besides, I have  Christoff, he won't let anyone hurt me. So don't worry Elsa.  I'll be all right." said Princess Anna as she waved goodbye and went off looking for Christoff.    "Anna wait!   Take Olaf with you, I can see through his eyes. If you need no help, I can come running." said Elsa   "What do you mean you can see through his eyes?" asked Anna with a very surprise worried look on her face.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to tell you I able to see through the eyes of my creations." said Queen Elsa  "You can what?" said Anna    "Yes Anna I spy on you and Christoff.  That's why I always make you take Olaf along.   Besides no doing bad things out of wedlock.  Most importantly, I love you and I won't take a chance of anything happening to you again.  I won't lose you again." explained Queen Elsa    "What you spy on me? I want to get married and you'll be the first to know my plans."   "Silly girl you don't have to spy on me.  I can wait to get married you see.  When I am ready you'll be the first to know.  For now, Christoff and I are just close friends.  The day I'm ready you'll see, you will stand on that day next to me.  So Stop spying on me!" said Princess Anna as she started to walk away" Hay!  Don't forget to take Olaf with you and be careful. We'll see each other later" said Queen Elsa with a smile.    "I'm always careful.  Stop spying on me," Thank goodness said, Anna, as she goes looking for Olaf and Christoff.

Now Princess Anna was off looking for Olaf and Christoff.  As she was walking she thought to herself" So my darling sisThank goodness Christoff and I don't kiss when Olaf is around. Elsa would have been watching.  How creepy is that!   Now I wonder who's making all those snow storms.  I wonder if this person powers are like Elsa.  Hey, I wonder if it's a young man. Like Elsa, maybe... I can only wish."      

While walking Princess Anna crushed into Olaf   "Hey watch where you're going!" said Olaf     "Hi Olaf I was about to go look for you.  Hey where's your special cloud?" said Princess Anna   "Don't need it!  Yops, Don't need it.  Elsa made snow everywhere." said Olaf   "No that wasn't Elsa, that was someone else." as id Princess Anna  "Not Elsa then who?" asked Olaf   "It's a long story, let's go look for Christoff.  I'll explain the problem on the way." said Princes Anna   Princess Anna and Olaf ran to the ice river where Christoff and his man were working.  

"Princess Anna, wait up.  When I run fast my body falls apart and runs in a different direction.  Slow down.  Wait for me!" yelled Olaf while catching his body parts and putting back in place.    Princess Anna decided to slow down for Olaf.   She then hid behind a wide rose bush.  Then waited for Olaf to go by.    Then as Olaf got closer  Princes Anna ran out from behind the bush and "Grew........" was the creepy noise she made as she scared the poor Olaf apart.   Olaf fell apart whenever he felt scared.  The head will fly in one direction and his body to another.  "Hay!  that's not nice, you almost made ice cubes come out of me. That wasn't nice at all." yelled Olaf  

Princess Anna was laughing and laughing. "Sorry Olaf, I didn't think you'll get scared.  You knew I was here somewhere, jet you still got scared.   Come here, let me put you back together." said Anna as she places Olaf head back on his body.

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