✎ Daniel x Reader

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I want to kiss you.❞

Thank you for reading the last Chapter, I shed tears.

I also got some requests UwU

This one is by artlovingbre

Next one after this one is also a request so look forward to that! If you want to know how to request them then look at le description but I shall explain again here just in case.

Although it is recommended to message me, if it is nerve-wracking to do that you can leave a comment. I understand that slight fear of sending someone a message so don't worry.

Anyways, let's start the story.

Warning: Cheesy af

You were there when the FBI got the call for this android threatening to jump off the ledge with a child you now knew as Emma.

So far the android has shot down many of the FBI's men. Allen was getting angrier as he waited for the negotiator. Soon enough though, you heard through the comms (communicator) that the negotiator was now on site.

When you saw him walk in, you almost cracked a smile. It was an android about to talk to an android. You watched Allen give him a hard time, then followed him around, looking at the evidence he had found.

By the end of it, you were feeling bad for the android outside you now knew as Daniel. The negotiator then walked met the other android only for Daniel to immediately shoot his shoulder. It looked as if it didn't affect him very much though. You followed behind, another agent tried to stop you but, you ignored their efforts and continued.

"Don't come any closer or I'll jump!" Daniel demands. Emma then cries out, begging for him to not do anything, with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Hi, Daniel."


"My name is Connor."

You watched as this Connor convinced him to put down the gun and the little girl with lies. You knew the truth and quite frankly that was something you wished to avoid in this certain situation.

"My job out the window," You mumbled. Connor seemed to had heard you and when you ran towards Daniel, he attempted to stop you but, didn't reach out in time.

You pulled Daniel towards you to safety before he could be shot.

"You lied," He said harshly, almost glaring at Connor.

"Don't look at him," You say, "Look at me." Your voice seemed to had snapped him out of his rage quickly. You had saved his life and you're the HUMAN here. Honestly you were just surprised that line worked.

Allen comes outside, his arms crossed, looking at you expecting an explanation to your actions.

"I couldn't let him die," You said simply. "I'll take him."

He let's out a deep sigh and without saying a word, he leaves the scene to deal with the little girl and getting her back to her parent. You couldn't believe they let you keep him, considering everything.


It took an entire month for Daniel to trust you even a little bit. Then another month passed and he only trusted you a little more than before. You understood why but, it was starting to bother you a bit. You saved him in the first place because you felt bad for him and you want to help him.

"Daniel." He looks at you for a moment then returns to staring at the ground. "I want you to know that you can talk to me, as cliche as it sounds I believe that you are a man with genuine feelings."

Daniel slipped off his chair and onto his knees infront of you. Before you could bend down to check on him he wrapped his arms around your waist, his head placed on your stomach, he whispered loud enough so you could hear.

"Thank you." You could feel your shirt soaking up a bit.

Is he crying?

"O-of course." You patted his head for awhile before going down on your knees as well in order to hug him back.

When you pulled away, you were able to finally take in his appearance properly. He had vibrant blue eyes that you never saw in the darkness of the night where you met him, he was a handsome blonde. You kept looking at him and he stared back, it was only you and him.

In that moment you realized that you were in love with this android, this man that you didn't understand. You didn't know if he could even love you back the same way you loved him at this very moment.

"May I..." His voice was soothing in the silence as he started his question, "May I try something? I've seen this happen and I believe this is the right moment to try this."

"What is it?" Your voice came out more like a whisper, under all the tension you felt between you and him.

"I'd rather show you." Once he saw you nod, he placed his hand softly against your cheek, his thumb gently stroking it.

He felt that this was right, this was the love he knew existed between two people but he had never experienced this first hand. Not this type of love. It was different, exciting, and you were welcoming.

This is attraction.

He felt himself be drawn closer to your lips.

"I want to kiss you." He paused for a moment. "May I?"

You did what you knew you wanted to do and kissed him. You felt his hand leave your face for a moment but, he quickly placed it back, this time, slightly further to the back of your neck so he could deepen the kiss.

When you pulled away for air, he couldn't resist smiling at you. "You never answered my question." You raise a brow at him. "May I?"

"You don't have to ask."

He pulled you in for another one, the same feeling of attraction still fresh on him.

"I quite like you I think."

Are you judging me cheesy writing skills? That's right you better not.

You see, COUGH, I at first didn't even remember who Daniel was pfff. I had to rewatch to look it up at first and was liek

"oh that guy." Silence.

"Wait why that hIM?"

I watched a video of like 10 minutes to see all of his endings to study him for a bit. Then I wrote this up aND HOPEFULLY IT AIN'T BAD.

I like sharing the process okay.

See y'all on the next chapter though, thank you for reading.
1067 words

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