✎ Markus x Reader

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❝I'll see you soon and I'll show you that I love you!❞

Requested By: MaddysonPotts123

The storyline is angst and Markus is taken away from you, the end.

Read on for more details 👀

Also sorry you waited so long lmao, I died.

There was one thing Markus wanted to try, but he wasn't very sure about it yet. He wanted to discuss it with you before taking any actions. Although androids had freedom, nothing was ever that easy. Laws remain broken, people will despise this, but with time will accept it.

Not just accept it as 'I'm following the law' but as 'we all have feelings.' Accept androids with their mind, hearts, and souls.

You had told him that and he knew you were sincere considering what you had gone through with him. You two met in an alleyway. Markus had followed the sounds of stressful meowing and it was a cat who had unfortunately gotten stuck in some garbage and you were there as well, trying to figure out how you would help it without hurting the leg that was stuck.

"Is this your cat?" Markus had asked on that night.

"No, I need to pull this metal piece out of her leg, but it's really stuck and I don't have the strength to pull it out smoothly and without damaging more on her leg." You explain to him the situation.

"I can do it."

Since that night, you two became inseparable, you were grateful and he was introduced to a new sensation that had now blossomed into a relationship with you.

He brought you breakfast in bed when he could, he enjoyed watching you fall asleep in his arms or when you would hold his face in your hands then pull him in for a soft or passionate kiss depending on how you felt at that moment.

He loved you all, he loved all of you, and you loved all of him despite his flaws, despite being busy a lot, despite the times you've argued because of him, you've seen reasoning and sympathy behind it all. You've forgiven and loved him, that's all he could ever ask for.

Markus had discussed wanting to use a motorcycle. You of course warned him of what to be cautious of when riding them, but you didn't say he couldn't ride one ever and therefore he got one. He has been riding that motorcycle for awhile now and finally decided that he should take you out for a ride.

"I'm not sure, I'm a bit scared." You confessed.

"Trust me." He held your hands in his, your forehead against his as he told you those words.

"I trust you." You smiled as he led you to the motorcycle. Although you were quite terrified, you were also excited to experience something so new.

At first, you felt like you were squeezing the life out of Markus. You arms were wrapped around him a bit too tight out of nervousness.

After; let's say 20 minutes you had relaxed a bit more, your head laid against his back facing the city lights that looked vibrant at night. You watched pedestrians enter your line of sight then disappear as fast as they appear.

You saw a group of teens laughing, rocks in their hands throwing them without a care. You felt as if time had slowed, the rock was in the air making its way to the back tire. Then as if you could suddenly hear dog whistles, there was a terrible ringing in your ears.

Your eyes didn't want to stay open, parts of your body ached out of nowhere, it was too painful to experience. You wanted to sleep and get away from this pain. You wanted to be in Markus' arms in that moment.

Markus had called the emergency line as soon as he was able to get on his feet. He found you on the ground, groaning and taking big airy breaths as if there wasn't enough air for you. There was tears in your eyes from not knowing how to handle such pain coursing through your body.

Markus gently pulled you into his arms, one hand barely touching your cheek. He wanted to cry, you trusted him and he failed you. He hurt you when he had told you to entrust him with your safety.

"M-Markus?" Your eyes could barely make out his face, for some reason his eyes were much more prominent on his face than usual.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I told you to trust me and-" He couldn't continue, his words got stuck in his throat.

"This is..." You took a breath, "this is not your fault. N-none of this is." You gave him a small smile.

When the ambulance, Fire Department, and police had shown up they took him away. Assumimg this was his doing, considering he was almost unharmed by the accident.

You repeated and repeated until your breath gave out. "It wasn't him, he didn't hurt me! He didn't hurt me!"

Markus let himself be taken into custody, hoping to see you again. He knew that the police would want to kill him or make irrational decisions with him, after all, they weren't fully in agreement with his freedom.

"I'm sorry." He looked to both cops that had been leading away then shoved them harshly, causing them to fall to the ground.

Before you were in the ambulance, you were being rolled away he came up to you.

"Y/n! I love you! And I'm sorry! I love you, I'll see you soon and I'll show you that I love you!" He managed to get a small hold on your hand before it slipped away and he was taken away once more, the cops had a tighter hold on him than before. He looked at you being taken to the hospital and your words would be stuck in his head until he saw you again.

"Markus! Markus! I love you too! I'll make sure I see you again!" You coughed afterwards, but gave him the brightest smile you could before you were officially out of his sight.

"I'll see you again." He repeated weakly under his breath.


Hello kids! I hope you're having a great night! I saw this request and figured I could finish it, I was pretty excited to so I did.

I hope you enjoy and support it despite my inactive-ness on here anymore.

I'll try to update a bit more whenever I possibly can!

Lots of love! ❤

1078 Words.

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