✎ Daniel x Reader

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❝Oh and you're so special? My presence is a fucking honor to have, therefore respect me and let me go.❞

Requested by: ThatPurpleSlacker

I was reading another fanfic
as I was trying to get inspiration. I can't really copy considering it had absolutely nothing to do with DBH although it did give me a base.

It's a bit more unorganized and random-ish, sorry bout that djdj

I hope you enjoy anyway.

Daniel and you were in a relationship that many knew about. You didn't try to hide the fact that you were in love with an android because to you he was just as much of man as any other and he loved you the way other people love eachother.

Today was what you called a ignore the door day. You guys suffered from the amount of interviews people wanted, usually you'd open and answer for them to go away, but other days it's annoying to do so.

"What should we do?" You said softly as your head laid on his chest, a bit close to his shoulder.

"I'm not sure." He could form a list, but he knew you and everything he thought of was going to be extremely boring to you.

"Oh!" You suddenly sat up, "I'll be back in just a moment." You ran off to your shared bedroom. His eyes followed your figure as it disappeared into the bedroom the reappeared with a computer now your hands.

"What are we doing?" He asked when you placed the computer in front of him, it had a question on the screen and he wasn't sure what he was answering.

"I've always wondered this about you, I'll tell you at end, for now answer them for me, will you?" He couldn't say no if you asked him to do it for you, those two words 'for me' could make him put a dress on. He would regret it, but it'd be for you.

"Forest or River?" He questions you about the questions and you smile.

"Just answer what you prefer." He only nodded and selected the River option as his preference.

After about five minutes of watching him answer questions, finally a yellow background appeared with a symbol of a badger in the middle appeared.

"Ah you're a Hufflepuff, I'm not surprised." You chuckled lightly.

"A Hufflepuff?" You closed the computer and set it on the coffee table infront of you.

"You know of Harry Potter right?" He nodded. "I'm not the most knowledgeable myself, but apparently there is four houses and this hat sorts wizards and witches into the house they belong in. You happened to get Hufflepuff which are kind and very loyal I read." You smiled.

"What is yours?" He asks, looking down at you with curiosity.

"I'm a _____." You listed off the traits that you had and he seemed to be an agreement that you belonged in that house.

"That was a lot shorter than I thought it would be, I don't know what to do now." You laughed a bit.

"Answer their questions so that they leave and we can go somewhere?" He suggested, although it seemed like that is exactly what he wanted to do.

"Did you have a place in mind?" You questioned.

"A theme park?" Your eyes widened for a moment, you haven't been to one in a very long amount of time.

"Sure, let me get the people at the door to go away first." When you opened the door, immediately you saw the flash and you heard the yelling of questions.

"Alright!" They silenced themselves momentarily. "Weirdos that found my address I'll answer a few questions, but please leave after." The media was hard to convince at times and they could be very stubborn, but you made it clear that you wanted them gone after.

"Why would you date an android in the first place?" This question was repetitive and you didn't understand why they couldn't think of better questions.

"First, he has name and that is Daniel and because I wanted to is the simplest and most accurate way to put it." You replied, the reporter seemed slightly annoyed, but you smile sweetly at her.

"There is a rumor going around that you are actually cheating on the android for a real man, is this true?" You froze, you felt yourself burn with anger, why do people make up such rumors.

"That.. that is false." You stumbled a bit with your words, still very troubled by the rumor. "I'm in love with the man I have here."

"You say it's false yet you have a man here? How dumb do you think I am?" That same reporter started talking again.

"Very dumb if you thought I meant anyone other than Daniel." You glared then stepped away from the safety of your door to that specific reporter. "A real man is a man that is confident in the love he gives me, a real man is willing to be honest, loyal, understanding, chivalrous and it seems to be that you don't carry not even one of those triats."

This reporter was angered by your words, but you were so angry yourself that you didn't notice it and continued speaking.

"You are a lying, sad, grown man that probably lives in your parents basement because you're not even grown and have the mentality of an immature boy." Other reporters had gone silent, some started recording, you didn't mind them. There was only this person who dared to assume you were not loyal to Daniel.

"What gives you the right? To belittle me." You scoffed.

"You're a fucking hypocrite." He was belittling your significant other and he asks you why you can do so to him? You instead turned to the door, not wanting to leave anymore, but the reporter had grabbed your arm.

"You think you can just walk away from me?"

"Oh and you're so special? My presence is a fucking honor to have, therefore respect me and let me go."  It wasn't a complete lie, it was rare for you to speak for this amount of time, or to even stay in their presence for this amount of time since you hated answering their questions.

"You will not be going anywhere, you are going-" His threat was interrupted by a voice that you of course recognized immediately.

"She will be going back inside her home because you don't have the right to touch her, you shouldn't even have the right to see her." He pulls you into his arms. "Leave."

The reporter walked away with a harsh glare aimed at Daniel that quickly disappeared when you threatened him with a stomp and he rushed away.

"I love you with every fiber in my damn body you know that?" You wrap your arms around his torso and melt into his embrace very tired.

"I love you too." He held you tightly so that you wouldn't slip out of his arms then to bring you back in he asked you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.

He carried you inside and went to couch to take a seat. You didn't remove yourself from him, being in that position was extremely comforting.

"I might live here."

"Unfortunately you cannot, but we can live in this home and embrace eachother like this." He replies.

"I'll take that."

Your newfound favorite author is me lolololol.

I'm joking,,,

Your author is a Hufflepuff, irrelevant yet interesting information riiiigghhhttt??

Next update shall be in your hands on Monday ~

Thank you for reading and of course lots of love ♡♡
1275 words

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