Chapter 11

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IM SOO SORRY!! It's been forever since I updated! 

I was watching Netflix, when my phone lit up with a text message.

*Daniel- I think we should grab lunch and talk about the things we need for the kids and things.
Me- Nothing to talk about. I have all the things needed for the kids, you can go chill with your slut.
Daniel- if you want to be childish, go for it .
I sighed in frustration and threw my phone down. Seconds later, Aria walked in and rolled her eyes. It's been 4 days since I've talked to Aria.
"Do you have problem?" I said.
"Yes, we have a problem" she replied.
" no, no we don't, I don't have a problem, you have problem with me." I said.
"Bitch." She sneered.
"I think its time for me to move out." I spoke quietly.
"Please don't."she said.  

Aria sighed and walked over to where i was sitting, and sat down next to me.

"Look Christina, i know we've been fighting lately but that doesn't mean i want you to move out. We've been friends for a long time and we cant let one little fight get in our way." She said.  i looked up from my hands and smiled at her. My only response to her was an engulfing, much needed hug from my best friend.  We both wiped the tears that had managed to escape as we started laughing .

Aria wiped the last of her tear and into the shower. i walked over where my phone was and picked it up. Scrolling through my phone , i realized i had my 5 month ultrasound tomorrow at 11:30.

"Hey Aria, i have an ultrasound tomorrow, you wanna come with?" i yelled to Aria 

"yes, a chance to my babies,what time?" She yelled back

"11:30." i yelled back to her.

That morning Aria and I were up and ready by 10:30. We decided to grab breakfast on the way to the appointment. By the time we were done with breakfast it was 11:20 and we were officially running late for my appointment...... Typical when you get Aria and I together.

We arrived 20 minutes late. we waited for 15 minutes before they called me in.

"Hello Christina, how are you doing today, i saw you were a little late, any complications this morning? she said

"oh im sorry, i kinda got hungry on the way to the appointment, so we took a little detour." i let out 

she chuckled and with that we proceeded with the rest of the appointment. 

It went smoothly, i got to see both of my babies. They are both totally healthy and she also reminded me that with twins, they tend to come 3 weeks to a month early.

After the appointment, Aria and i went out for ice cream and did a little shopping. 

"Have you talked to Daniel yet." Aria finally decided to spit out after the question was burning in her mind.

"The night we made up, he texted me wanting to meet up to talk about the whole kohls run in and the future for the babies." i said

"And what did you say back?" She replied

"I just him down real fast and said i didnt need his pity." i said

At the end of our mini shopping spree, Aria came home with 4 rompers, 2 dresses, 6 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of new heels, 5 crop tops, 3 sandals, 2 outfits for Jayce and Jordynn, and a new pair of sun glasses. i came home with 2 rompers, 8 sun dresses cause those are the only things that tend to fit me now, 3 pairs of shorts , 4 sandals, 2 pairs of sun glasses, 4 outfits for Jayce, and 5 outfits for Jordynn. Truth be told it's a lot harder to shop for boys than girls.

When Aria and i both got home, we fell asleep on the couch watching netflix, thankfully already grabbing dinner on the way home.

Ahh its been awhile, but im back... with this book, im currently just taking it one chapter at a time..

dont forget to




xoxoxo Joy

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