The past is in the past

854 37 1

1218 Medieval Scotland


It's the next morning, and I wake up in an unfamiliar place. It smells like something has been rotting away in this room for decades. I take in my surroundings, and laugh. It's nothing but Iain's room. He's known for being a slob. Even though we live in one of the largest keeps in the country, we don't have many people on staff to clean up. A knock on the door causes me to turn my head.

"Wake up, Jaimie- its urgent" Iaan runs into the room, and opens the cloth that shields the window, not bothering to know i'm not dressed yet.

"What're you going on about?" I say with annoyance. "It's still early, and I need to sleep."

Iain looks at me with distress. "Get dressed." he says. "Then meet me outside the keep by the willow tree. Tell no one where you've gone."

I stare at Iain blankly, wondering what sort of demon he's conjuled.

"I'll explain everything to you when you're outside." Iain whispers. And with that, he darts from the room.

"He's jesting with me, I'm sure of it" I say to myself. But if there's anything I know about Iain, it's that he never jests, unless of course he has a reason to. I get dressed in a tunic and boots, and quietly go outside to where Iain tells me to meet him.

"Now what the bloody hell is going on?" with my finger on his chest, I move towards Iain, almost knocking him down.

When he's regained his balance, Iain takes a deep breath. "Two girls, about our age were found no less than a few feet away from the keep."

I swallow. "Are they alive?"

"They are, but barely." Iain walks, and I catch up with him. "They are in our care for now, but one of the lasses was rambling about the year 2017, and a place called New York."

I growl. "I've never heard of such a place."

Iain nods his head. "I know, neither have I. But this girl, whoever she is, seemed adamant about it."

I growl again. "They're probably just spies sent by the vikings.]."

Iain looks at me. "If they were spies, donna you think our trackers would have done something about it by now?"

I look away.

He clasps my hand with his. "Just because the vikings killed Nedda, doesn't mean these girls are with them. One of them looks like she's from a clan around here. The other, well, I haven't the slightest idea where she's from, but I can tell the both of them are close."

I look down at my feet. My hands clenched into a fist. That night is still stuck in my brain, on repeat. If only I could have done something, instead of standing there like a coward.

"Perhaps if I only fought back, Nedda would still be alive." I whisper.

Iain glares at me. "If you had fought back, you would have been dead as well. I lost my sister, but I wasn't going to lose you too."

I look up at Iain, determined not to cry. Men don't cry- Lads do. But Iain knows me better than anyone he's like a brother to me. - I canna hide anything from him. I look up at him, and gather my strength. If these girls aren't spies, and really need our assistance, then I won't hesitate to help them.

"So where are these lasses?"

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