the darkness will not overcome

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"She's awake?" i ask, with astonishment

Jaimie looks at me "yes, she awoke just moments ago."

"I have to go see her!" i scoot my chair out, and get up, maybe a bit too fast, because i start to rock back and forth on my feet.

"Easy now," jaimie catches me, and i fall back to his embrace. "I know yer worried about her, but she's in good hands, trust me."

I look at him with uncertainty.

Iain nods his head in agreement. "Tis true, Brynn-" he walks over to me, and pats my back. "We hire only the best healers in the land, to tend to the sick and wounded. He looks at me. "I can assure you, that lydia is in good hands."

"When can i go and see her?" i ask

Jaimie looks at me. "Probably midday on the morrow, you shall be able to greet your friend."

"But she's going to be alright?" i ask, worried.

"Look at me-" Jaimie spins me around me to face him. "No harm will befall ye or yer friend, as long as yer here- ye have my word."

I nod, and sit down. Jaimie takes a seat beside me, and Iain sits acrss from the both of us .

"Well, I dont know about ye, but im famished" Iain states.

Jaimie chuckles. "When aren't ye famished, brother?"


Im once again in jamie's room, because nobody once told me where i am to sleep. I must admit, i felt highly uncomfortable with sharing a room with him, especially a bed- even though i know nothing would ever happen. However, now that i've gotten to know him better, i've come to trust him, and the feeling of his closeness makes me feel safe.

I go behind the changing closet, and change out from my gown, into something more comfortable. I hear a knock at my door. I open it.

"Bryn", A warm, inviting voice answers.

I suppress a smile. It's jaimie.

"Meet me by the willow tree in 10 minutes." he whispers. "I have something i need to tell you." and with that, he exits swiftly.

I close the door, and think about what he wants to tell me? No matter what it is, im sure its important. Even though i tend to talk a lot in conversation, i've decided to listen this time. Anything that Jaimie wants to tell me, im sure he'd want to get it off his chest. I comb my tangle of curls, and knowing that there's nothing that will tame them, i sigh in frustration. Guess i'm going out looking like a beast.

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